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“The cops have looked into all of us, they looked at all the other motorcycle clubs in the area with no luck.” King says with a shrug

“Do the fuckers still think that we did it?” Dash asks with a frown as he crosses his arms, the navy-blue t-shirt tightening across his muscular chest.

“They haven’t written anyone off yet,” King reveals, “but we don’t care what they think, what we do care about is finding this motherfucker that decided to target us.”

“Did the prospects have a reason for not picking up his scent?” I ask

“Yeah, there was a dead Dear on the opposite side of the property. Clearly placed there as a decoy, but the guys were trying to move it, completely oblivious to the trickery.” Goliath says

“Because Gunner saw that he was using Cat’s, we have now been able to find tracks of a pair of Cat’s size ten.” Hawk says

“So,” King begins, “let’s recap, what all do we know about this guy?”

“He wears a size ten shoe,” Hawk repeats,

“He smokes, and apparently a lot.” Dash continues, “he is as tall as most of us and by what Dawn says, fat.”

“He has a tattoo of what looks like a snake wrapped around his lower arm.” Hunter says lifting his hand he scratches his jaw before continuing. “He also has grease, or oil under his fingernails.”

“With dark longish brown hair.” I murmur, something about all these details is niggling at me. “Something is telling me that I have seen someone like that before.”

“The tattoo sounds familiar, but we have seen tattoos like that a lot.” Frost states, and then his eyes widen, and he sits forward from where he was leaning. “Fuck me!” his surprised growl has all of us tensing.

“What?” King asks

“We know someone just like what we have explained, fuck, and it makes sense.” Frost states as he looks across at King. “We never thought about him because we thought he might have died.” His cryptic words have me scowling, who the fuck are we talking about. “Does anyone else think this description sounds just like Jeronimo?”

There is silence for a few seconds as everyone considers what Frost has just revealed, it is a very big possibility as everything does fit in with what Jeronimo looked like, but he’s supposed to be dead. When we attacked the Hades MC, the fucker was one of the assholes that we suspected had died in the flames.

“It is possible,” Hunter mutters

“The cops looked into Jeronimo when Onyx’s sister was found dead, and he had a solid lullaby.” Hawk states his features darkening with anger. “Fuck, I swear if he is the killer, I will skin him alive after the shit he has been doing.”

“We need to make sure if he’s alive, wouldn’t we have seen him by now if he was in the vicinity?” Dash asks, “I will go to the morgue and speak to our contact there, I’m sure there must be a way that they can tell us if he was one of the assholes that burned.”

“Be discreet, we don’t want to alert the authorities yet.” King states

“Are we going to alert them if we find out that it’s him?” I ask knowing that it would be the right thing but also knowing that all of us have a bone to pick with the motherfucker after everything that he has done that has directly impacted in our lives.

“I don’t want to, but if we do find that he is alive, and we don’t bring him in the cops will continue to pursue us.” King says, “I for one am tired of having their fucking eyes on us twenty-four seven.”

“The son of a bitch deserves to die a slow death.” I grunt in anger, knowing that King is right but hating the idea that the fucker will get away by just going to jail.

“Maybe we should castrate the fucker before handing him over.” Blue suggests with a shrug, “it’s the least of what he deserves.”

“Yeah,” Hunter replies

“Well, it’s no use contemplating the guy’s dismemberment as we don’t even know if it is him or not. Therefore, Dash you will go to the morgue and see what you can find out.” King orders, turning his head he looks at Goliath, “you and Gunner get Dawn close enough to all the guys that we have as suspects and see if she thinks if it is any of them.” Goliath nods then turns his head looking at me he raises a brow in question. Fuck, I know it’s the right thing to do but just thinking of having her out there reliving everything again has my mind rebelling. I will be with her every step of the way, which in its own way produces its own problems as I am trying to stay away from her.

I know that if I am close to her for too long, I will lose my willpower and take her as my bonded mate, everything within me is crying out for it. I can’t stop thinking about her, my body yearns for her constantly, but how can I face her when I have wronged her by not being able to protect her when she needed it. I nod, confirming that I will step down in allowing Dawn to place herself in danger again. I know that the danger is her peace of mind, it’s the worry of seeing the man that might have killed her, but I will assure her that if she does recognise one of them as the creep, he will not get near her again.

“Fang, take Blue and try and track anyone that might know Jeronimo. We want to know everything about him.” King states, then he turns his eyes to Frost and inclines his head towards the door. “Me and you are going to the authorities, we have to try and appease them until we know something.” Frost grunts in annoyance at having to go to the cops but he doesn’t contradict King and instead nods in agreement.

“The rest of you stay here and make sure the place doesn’t burn down before we get back.” King’s quip has me closing my eyes in frustration. I was a couple of miles away two nights ago when Dash phoned to let me know that Dawn nearly burnt the club to the ground.

I haven’t spoken to her, but from what I have heard she was making biscuits and then decided to go out into the garden completely forgetting the biscuits in the oven. Dash said that by the time the smell reached the front of the club the kitchen was full of smoke and the biscuits would be good weapons to throw at our enemies.

Well, I have been hiding for a whole week, keeping away from her as much as I could but that has now come to an end and it’s time to confront her anger, her disappointment in me.
