Page 12 of Daddy Says

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Chapter Six

Sawyer saw Jane across the restaurant and his smile of greeting grew wider at the look of disbelief on her face. She’d learn that when he said something, she could count on him being true to his word. Taking the same chair he’d sat in for the last five evenings, he wondered which waitress she’d con into taking over her duties tonight. So far he’d met Sarah, Karen, Megan, Christie, and Gwen. All very attractive young women, but none who drew his interest. No, the only woman he had eyes for was the petite little minx who remained hovering at the door to the kitchen. Jane might be denying that she belonged to him, but Sawyer knew for a fact that she was meant to be his. Every night for almost a solid week, she’d only approached at the end of the evening, and every night he’d assured her that he would wait until she was ready. The moment he saw her shake her head and begin to walk toward him, he knew that tonight would be different.

A glass of water was set down before him. “You know people are starting to talk.”

“The only person I’m interested in talking to is you,” Sawyer said.

Jane sighed. “The others are wondering if you are some sort of crazy stalker.”

He grinned. “Do you think I’m a stalker, Jane?”

She shook her head and sighed. “No, but I do think you are nuts. Are you seriously going to come in every night and just sit here?”

He picked up his glass and took a sip. “I’m not just sitting here, I’m waiting. And, as I said before, I’ll continue to wait until you are ready.” He saw the quick smile she was unable to contain and pressed a bit. “But as the man who has committed himself to leading you on the journey you so desperately wish to take, let me say that the longer you wait to take the first step, the longer you will miss out on discovering the happiness waiting for you—for us.”

Her smile was delightful but not as much as the widening of her eyes and the pulse he saw quicken in the slim column of her throat.

“You said happiness, but… your message said… alluded that there will be spankings.”

“Yes, little one. I’m quite positive that even as wonderful as you are, there will be times when you earn a spanking. But remember, that depends on you.”

“I-I thought the dom was always in control,” she said, her cheeks flushing.

Reaching up, he tucked a strand of ebony hair behind her ear, his fingertip moving to stroke along her neck, watching her nipples peak to press against the front of her blouse. “That’s just one of the many lessons I’m waiting to teach you when you are ready. Be that today, tomorrow, next week, or next year.”

“But why? I mean… there are so many women who have experience in… in this. I’m sure they’d love to… to play with you. Why me?”

Did she truly have no idea how special she was? How she’d captured him the first moment she’d asked if she could serve him? He wasn’t interested in anyone else. “I’m not asking you to play, Jane. I’m asking you to commit to a relationship that I have absolutely no doubt will be the most incredible one you could imagine.”

“And… and if I can’t do all you want?”

“That is another lesson you need to learn. There is nothing I would ever do to harm you, nothing I would ever ask that I wasn’t sure you want to experience, never take you further than you can go. Just as we spoke about honesty, we discussed trust. Do you remember what I said if you’d give me those two things?”

She nodded and softly said, “You said you’d never abuse either.”

He smiled and softly stroked her neck a final time. “And treasure both.”

After swallowing hard, Jane said, “All right… you win. I-I’m not promising I can… be what you want, but… but I’d like to try.” Before he could speak, she bent forward, her hair swinging like a curtain, partially screening her face as she whispered, “I’m telling you right now, I am not wearing a diaper.”

Sawyer smiled and reached up to lay his palm against her cheek. “Good to know you aren’t as I don’t have one to replace it after I bare your bottom for your spanking.” He watched her face color and her eyes widen.

“I-I didn’t mean I ever wear… oh… oh, God, I meant—”

“Breathe, little one,” Sawyer said, bending forward to place a kiss on her forehead. “I know what you mean, and now I’m pretty sure I know why some little girl got scared and shut down her computer.” Her look of guilt told him he was correct. “And knowing that you’ve most likely spent many hours worrying about things unnecessarily, I believe it is time for us to take that first step. Shall we?”

“What? Now?” she asked, followed quickly by, “I-I can’t. I have to work.”

Sawyer chuckled. “One of the perks of being good friends with your boss is that I’m quite positive he will understand. And, young lady, I’m not about to let you out of my sight until we finish that discussion we began, and I don’t think you want to have it in the middle of a busy restaurant.”

Her face turned a darker shade of pink and her teeth captured her bottom lip. He stood and extended his hand, smiling when she slipped hers into it. “Let’s go tell Sarah that I’ll be taking you home.”

“Okay,” she said softly.

He couldn’t wait until she added ‘Daddy’ to her responses, but for now, just having her hand in his was worth every moment he’d spent waiting. Once in the kitchen, he smiled as Arnold approached with a large bag.

“Thank you,” Sawyer said, accepting it.

“You’re welcome, and, Miss Knight, I don’t expect to see you for at least two weeks. Understand?”
