Page 26 of Daddy Says

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“A lie is a lie, Janie. Our relationship isn’t a game. We’re not playing. Granted, it isn’t always an easy dynamic, but we have both agreed to it, and you hurt me and yourself when you use that commitment as a weapon.”

It was hard to nod, but she had felt awful the moment she’d spewed the denial of her dream to have a daddy. “I’m sorry.”

“And there is still the matter of washing your mouth out for the nasty words you uttered.”

“I thought after a spanking, it was over. That I was forgiven when you held me.”

“You’re partially right. You seem to have forgotten that Daddy is the one who decides when the punishment is over and the penance you’ll make each time. But, as I said, we will finish it later. And, Janie, know this as well. When Daddy says you will always be forgiven and I will always hold you just like this to make sure you know how very special my baby girl is to me, know that I mean every single word.”

She thought about for a moment, remembering the words she’d read on the screen that first night. “Thank you, Daddy.”

A few minutes later, a soft knock came on the door and she gasped. “Oh, my God! Everyone is going to know you span-spanked me!”

“No, all the exam rooms are soundproofed, so while Nurse Julie might suspect, and Dr. Harper will know, no one else will.”

“Why will he know?”

“Because he’ll see your red bottom when he examines you.” He gave her a hug, another quick kiss and called out, “Come in.”

Chapter Ten

Sawyer took the plastic cup from Julie and looked down at Janie. He found the fact that she squirmed and then gave a little gasp very satisfying. He’d been telling her the truth, knowing without a doubt that her little tantrum had been more of a test than an actual fit of pique. Though he had told her, without equivocation, exactly what she could expect whenever she misbehaved, he knew that she’d be over his lap, her adorable bottom bared and reddened many more times before she truly believed he’d follow through every time. And follow through he would as that was what daddies did.

“I want you to take this into the bathroom and…” When she opened her mouth, he shook his head before continuing. “Unless you are about to say, ‘yes, Daddy’, I suggest you remember that this is the easiest way to provide the sample that the doctor requires.”

Another wiggle, another soft mewl, and she accepted the specimen container. “Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s my good girl. And what would you like to say to Nurse Julie?”

“I’m-I’m sorry for… for being rude.”

“And a naughty girl,” Sawyer prompted.

Big violet eyes pleaded to be spared the admission, but he didn’t budge. With a blush that ran up from the neckline of her yellow blouse to color her cheeks, she watched the nurse pull the ruined paper off the table and replace it with a fresh piece. Jane proved she was very sorry for being so badly behaved by moving off her daddy’s lap and bending to pick up the shredded paper on the floor. “And a nau-naughty girl.”

“I accept your apology, Miss Janie,” Julie said, reaching out her hand after Jane had thrown the paper away. “I’ll take you to the bathroom, and after you’ve finished, you can choose a juice box and a snack.”

“Thank you,” Jane said, taking the nurse’s hand. Sawyer watched as the two left the room, willing to bet that once inside the privacy of the bathroom, Jane would not only fill the container, but she’d take a good long look at her bottom. He smiled, imagining her surprise to discover it wasn’t anywhere near as red as she probably thought. It was only her second spanking, and while he hadn’t given her love taps, he most certainly had gone easy on her. She’d learn soon enough that a naughty girl’s behind could be far more than the rosy hue he’d painted onto her plump little cheeks.

When she returned, sucking on the straw of a box containing apple juice, the gurgling sound attesting to the fact that she’d emptied it rather quickly, he smiled and opened his arms, giving her a hug when she flew into them. “Good juice?”

“It wasn’t bad, but it isn’t coffee or a Coke,” she said softly, leaning against him.

“No, but it is far better for you. Did you eat something?”

“Yes, Jul… Nurse Julie gave me a mini blueberry muffin, but I’m still hungry.”

“You can eat a big breakfast after the doctor finishes your exam. And, remember, Janie, you’ve promised to do exactly as Dr. Harper instructs you—”

“I’m sure she will do just fine.” They both looked toward the door to see a man in a white coat, a stethoscope peeking from one pocket, entering. Sawyer kept Janie close with one arm around her waist as he extended his free hand. “Hello, Martin. Thanks for fitting us in today.”

“My pleasure, Sawyer. And this must be your Jane.”

“Yes, this is Janie. Janie, say hello to Dr. Harper.”


“Please, sit down and we’ll go over what you can expect.”
