Page 6 of Daddy Says

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Chapter Four

Sawyer took another sip of his cognac, his eyes on the screen before him. The fact that Jane had accessed the website not long after she’d gotten off work had him very pleased. He had questioned his use of the agency but, with Edward’s, as well as other friends’ testimonies, he’d finally acquiesced. But that had been months ago. It was not until tonight that he’d found a woman he’d instantly considered as favored. It was a rather archaic word and yet, it seemed to fit not only how he’d felt, but it fit Jane Knight. She had an air of innocence that tugged at him, that had him wanting to teach her things she’d most likely never considered.

His brow furrowed as he checked his watch. While it had taken Jane a while to ascertain the access code and password, it seemed to be taking quite a bit longer for her to continue. His fingers itched to use the keyboard, but until he was granted permission, he had to wait and patience wasn’t exactly his forte. Not when it pertained to something he’d been waiting to happen for a long time.

“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be frightened. Click the button and let’s begin our journey.”

A few moments later, he smiled as the woman who had somehow instantly become important to him made her choice. Not wanting to make her wait, he set down his glass and began to type.

Jane, Thank you. I am pleased to see you’ve discovered that I think you are a very special young lady. As you continue on your journey, know that it will be my greatest pleasure to be with you every step of the way.

The following screens will contain a list of questions that only you and I will have access to. I imagine you will find the first no more invasive than ones you’d fill out to apply for a job. The next few will serve to provide some information about your past. The final pages will be far more personal. Know that these are not meant to embarrass or judge you. They are simply a means to allow me to formulate a plan for your exploration of what I sincerely hope will be exactly what you’ve wanted, what you’ve dreamed about and have yet to find. There are no right or wrong answers, and I have no preconceived expectations.

You’ll find that I abhor dishonesty, and, yes, I consider omission to be a lie. As I also believe in complete disclosure, let me be clear. This is not some matchmaking service. I am not interested in dating to see if we are compatible. I already know that we are and believe that you feel the same. Will some of the questions make you uncomfortable… yes. Will some make you blush… I have no doubt they will, and might I say that I find the fact that you blush so easily absolutely adorable.

Will some have you squirming… most likely if you choose to answer dishonestly and I later discover you’ve fibbed. There are consequences for naughtiness. Misbehavior will have you paying a price that will vary depending on the infraction, but will always include making your apology over my knees, or bent over a bed, a chair, the arm of a couch, offering your bare bottom knowing I will indeed make it burn.

Take your time answering as this is a serious step that you are taking. I realize I am asking a great deal… but know that I am committed to guiding you, to disciplining you, and to teaching you all about the pleasures and joy found in submission. I am asking for your honesty and your trust. I promise, I will treasure each and never abuse either.

With anticipation,

Sawyer Masterson

* * *

Holy hell! Jane felt as if she were on an emotional rollercoaster as she read the screen for a second time. The words made her feel both excitement as well as trepidation. It was exactly as Sarah had said… he wasn’t asking her out on a ‘date’. By answering whatever questions were to follow, he was basically skipping several dates where a couple gradually learned more about each other. But was that such a bad thing? She’d dated men before and, even after several weeks, she hadn’t truly known them or felt they knew her true self. She had no idea how this man had been able to exchange only a few words and had managed to discover one of her deepest, darkest secrets. All she knew was that from the moment he’d met her eyes, she’d been lost.

Reading the note again, her eyes lingered on the section about offering her bottom… her bare bottom for his punishment. She’d not truly considered that as something common in a D/s relationship. But then, since she’d never actually been in such a dynamic and only had her fantasies to go by, perhaps it was more standard than she’d thought. Realizing that her buttocks were clenching and her heart racing, she knew she had so much to learn. Maybe it was a good thing to cut to the chase. Still, he would know so much about her and she’d know what? Nothing really… he wasn’t answering any list of questions.

He’d said to take her time, and she was going to take him up on that offer. Sliding off the bed, she left her bedroom in search of Sarah… or more precisely, Sarah’s computer.

“May I borrow your laptop?” Jane asked as she entered the living room.

Sarah looked up from the book she was reading. “Something wrong with yours?”

“No, but I’m afraid that if I change windows, I’ll screw up the questionnaire.”

“Ah, so there really are questions? What is he asking?”

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t gotten that far, but I want to look something up,” Jane said.

“Something or someone?” Sarah asked with a grin.

“All right, I want to google him. Is that an awful thing to do?”

“Hell, no, I think that’s a great idea,” Sarah said, tossing her book aside. “And smart.” She grabbed her laptop and soon a photo of Sawyer Masterson was on the screen.

“Wow, that’s a lot of sites,” Jane said, looking at the lists available that contained some sort of information on Sawyer.

The two continued to click and read snatches about Sawyer’s life. Jane had thought he must be a man of means, but she’d had no idea that he was the owner of a corporation and employed several hundred people.

“He’s very successful, isn’t he?” Jane asked.

“If by successful you mean rich, yeah, I’d say that’s a fact. I’ve heard of Masterson Enterprises, but didn’t connect it with your guy. Hey, there he is with Mr. Arturo.”

Jane saw the photo of her boss and his wife at some sort of fundraiser he’d chaired, but her eyes went to the man beside them. It seemed that he was quite generous as well, presenting Mr. Arturo with a $100,000.00 check to help feed the hungry in the city.

From their searching, they learned that Sawyer was thirty-six, had never married, was a sports fan, and appeared as a regular donor at various charity events.
