Page 103 of Justin's Bride

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The minister outlined several proposed plans. When he was done, one of the farmers stood up. He was dressed in worn clothing, with several patches on his sleeves and trousers. The man removed his hat. "We can't pay no teacher's salary, and we ain't got no room to have her come stay with us for a month. I don't think no teacher will take kindly to sleepin' in the barn with the milk cow and that's all the room we got."

Gene thanked the man. "I understand your concerns, but this year's crop is going to be good for everyone."

The farmer shook his head. "You don't know about next year, do ya? Not unless the good Lord himself has been a' whisperin' in your ear."

Megan bit down on her lower lip, but Justin heard a small giggle escape. He leaned over and nudged her. "Shh. He's stating his opinion, not being disrespectful."

She looked up at him, her hazel eyes alight with amusement. "I know, but I don't think Gene or Colleen see it that way," she whispered.

Justin glanced over at Megan's sister and saw Colleen stiffening in her seat. If she sat any straighter, she was going to pull her hips clean off her legs.

The farmer twisted the hat in his hands. "I'm willin' to pay my share. I want my young'uns to learn to read some and do cipherin'. I'm just pointin' out that we don't know what's gonna happen next year. I can't make no promises about salaries 'til I know."

"Good point," another farmer called. "We ain't all rich like you, Reverend."

Gene cleared his throat. "My wife has a small inheritance. That hardly classifies us as rich."

"Richer than us," someone in the middle of the church mumbled.

Justin was surprised when Megan rose to her feet. She was the first woman to speak. At the sight of her, Colleen blanched and drew her mouth into a straight line. Gene tugged at his collar.

"Perhaps we should consider a different plan of payment," Megan said. "What if, instead of everyone paying i the same amount, which could be a hardship for many, we have people pay according to what they earn? If there's a ) bad year for crops, those of us whose income doesn't depend on the favors of weather and pestilence could pick up the extra. In years with good crops, farmers could pay rmore."

Several people mumbled their agreement. Justin looked at his wife. Her idea made sense.

"I've never heard anything so stupid." Mrs. Greeley bounced to her feet. " Megan Bartlett, you sit down and be quiet. You don't even have a child."

Justin started to stand up. Megan placed a warning hand on his shoulder. The room grew quiet.

"My name is Megan Kincaid, and I'm responsible for the welfare of a child. My concerns are as great as yours."

"Sit down!" Mr. Greeley tugged his wife's arm until she plopped down next to him. Megan stood for several more seconds, as if to show people she wasn't afraid, then she took her seat.

Gene cleared his throat. "Perhaps it would be best if the women left the decisions to the menfolk and—"

He was cut off by the sound of twenty women calling out protests. Justin grinned. Megan's brother-in-law was braiding the rope for his own hanging.

"Ladies, please. Ladies!" His voice rose as he tried to get order.

Justin leaned over to Megan. "Your idea was interesting. I liked it."

"Thank you. It'll get voted down, but I wanted to say my piece." She pointed across the room. "I don't suppose I've endeared myself to my sister."

Colleen was fanning herself and appeared to be breathing heavily. The flush of color on her cheeks added to her appearance of agitation. "I wouldn't let it bother you," he said, wondering how the same family could have produced such different women.

"But Justin, you should be more concerned." Megan's voice was teasing. He glanced down at her and raised his eyebrows. She leaned closer so that their arms were pressed together and their shoulders brushed. "After all, my sweet sister is now your sister-in-law."

He groaned softly. "You're a wicked woman to remind me of that."

Her smile was impish. He could hear the discussion continue to flow around them, but he didn't pay any attention to what was being said. Instead, he studied Megan and wished they were alone. He wanted to kiss her. It was a foolish desire that would only lead to trouble, but he
