Page 105 of Malibu Heat

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AS TONY STEPPED BACK, Heather walked up with her guitar. Whispered comments rippled through the crowd, but as she began strumming the room fell silent. The melody was catchy, and as she began to sing, her unique voice quickly caught everyone’s attention. Studying the important audience, Tony noticed some feet tapping and heads bobbing as she sang. Then she launched into the chorus.

When the green-eyed monster calls in the night,

When the green eyed monster steals your sight,

When the green eyed monster makes you weep

The green eyed monster wants your heart to keep.

More heads bobbed, and bodies moved. By the time she was singing the last chorus, almost everyone was silently mouthing the words. Even Jerry Goldman, Tia’s powerful husband, seemed to be paying rapt attention. As she finished and bowed, the small crowd broke into loud applause.

“This second song,” she announced as the clapping died away, “is a ballad. It’s about the fear of loving too much. It’s called, Afraid.”

Tony caught his breath.

That wasn’t the song they’d agreed on.

There was nothing he could do but pray.

She started a cappella.

With his pulse ticking up, he listened as her crystal clear voice filled the room. Suddenly, the loud chiming of a cell phone broke the spell, and to make matters even worse, a young man pulled his phone from his jacket and started talking.

“Kindly end your conversation or leave,” Heather said stridently, “and would you all please make sure your phones are turned off.”

Tony cringed, but to his surprise everyone complied, and clearly chagrined, the young man mumbled an apology and did the same.

“Thank you. I’ll start over.”

As she started again, the room was completely quiet, and when she brought the guitar in at the chorus, her voice lifted, and she looked directly at Tony.

My heart can hear

What you’re afraid to say.

Your eyes tell me more

Than mere words can convey

Your love is real but your fear is too

So I'll be the first to say it.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Tony’s heart swelled, and a hot lump burned the back of his throat. Heather was right. He did love her, and he was afraid.

As the end of the song neared, he could see she had the audience in the palm of her hand. The chorus lifted an octave, and her voice rose up, and up, and up, exposing her extraordinary range.

With the very last note still ringing through the room, he noticed Stella and Stephanie wiping a tear from their cheeks. Then a man coughed, and suddenly everyone rose to their feet and the room burst into applause.
