Page 98 of Malibu Heat

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IN THE BACK SEAT OFtheir limo, Jerry and Stewart were nearing Matt’s home, deep in conversation aboutThe Strange Bedfellow.They knew the script was a winner they were eager to make a deal.

There was a love interest in the film. A hard-nosed woman who had seen it all and conquered life on her own terms. Stewart wanted Jennifer Olsen for the part, but Jerry thought she lacked the rough edge and depth the character needed. As their car rolled to a stop at Matt’s house the question remained unanswered.

The wind had picked up, and they hurried inside, then smiled as they saw the runway. A number of guests were already hovering, waiting impatiently for the show to start. Moving through the celebrity-filled throng, they entered the formal lounge and noticed most of the people in the room were drawn to one corner.

“Jennifer must be over there,” Jerry remarked.

“Jerry, thanks for coming,” Matt said, striding up and shaking his hand. “Hi, Stewart. How are you?”

“Great. How are Stephanie and Tia? Any problems?”

“Not as far as I know, but I think Tia’s a bit nervous. Stephanie, though, she’s totally cool. The outfits, on the other hand, are totally hot,” he said with a chuckle.

“Thanks again, Matt, for letting them crash your party,” Stewart continued. “It’s great, just great.”

“As I told Stephanie, having a bunch of gorgeous models prancing around in lingerie isn’t exactly a downer.”

“Still, we’re grateful,” Jerry added. “I heard Heather Ramsey will be singing here tonight.”

“She will, but not for everyone. It’s more like a private audition, and you both should be there. She’s incredible. She’s only singing two songs, and I really think it will be worth your time.”

Jerry nodded his head and was about to say something when there was movement in the room. Jennifer Olsen was walking towards them. As nonchalant as the guests tried to be, all eyes were upon her. But as she approached, Stewart took a deep breath. She was capable of anything.


THOUGH STEWART HADseen Jennifer at awards shows and many other social events, as she glided towards them he caught his breath.

Her honey blonde hair imitated Marilyn Monroe’s famous style, and black, though subtle, false eyelashes, framed her luminous blue-green eyes making them even more mesmerizing. As she moved, the floor-length, strapless, forest green gown clung to her curves, and a dazzlingly large emerald set in rose gold sat in the middle of her chest an inch above her enviable cleavage. Stewart knew she spent a fortune on beauty regimens, and her flawless complexion had the refined, understated glow of fine porcelain.

“Hello Stewart, hello Jerry,” she purred, her dark red, lipsticked mouth curling into a smile. “Isn’t this a marvelous party? Matt you’re such a wonderful host.”

“Thank you Jennifer,” Matt said, spotting Tony and Heather entering the room from the corner of his eye. “I’m so glad you could make it. I’m sure you have a very busy social schedule.”

“Never too busy for an evening like this,” she declared, then turned her attention to Stewart.
