Page 46 of Somebody to Love

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“Amen.” Fin lifted his in a salute. “But then I’m not an overthinker like you.”

“It’s called intelligence.”


They drank in silence a bit longer. Fin was one of those people who could do quiet. He didn’t fidget like Jack. Or crack his fingers like Luke. Then there was Pip, who had a foot that moved up and down. Not Fin, he just sat.

“So who is Jack riding with?”

“Bailey,” Joe sighed.

“Okay, I get it now.”

“Get what?”


Fin pointed his beer at Joe, and he had no idea what that meant.

“So, Angie?”

“She’s a really nice person, Fin, and like I said to my brothers when they grilled me about her, we’ve only ever had a casual relationship, and rarely for the last two months.”

“Got that, actually. And have to say, the woman is not the exclusive kind.”

“You saw her with Ted too?”

“Nah.” Fin shook his head. “He told me, but he’s moved on now.”

Joe grunted. He liked Ted, and had no problem if he and Angie ended up together.

“The fact you’re not angry pretty much tells me she’s not the one, Joe.”

Joe let the statement settle between them while he drank some more. He looked up at Phil, and wondered way back, when he and his family had settled in Ryker, if he’d had trouble with some woman.

“So, Bailey, is she the one, Joe?”

“One what?”

He felt Fin’s eyes on the side of his face.

“The one to wallpaper your lounge, you idiot. You know what I mean. Does she float your boat?”

“You did not just say that.”

“Light your fire?”

“Marginally better.”

“Is that Maggie coming down the driveway?”

Joe squinted. “Sure looks like it.”

“Saved by the striking redhead.”

“Did you just call a woman striking, Fin? Is there something you need to tell me?” Joe decided to rattle his friend’s cage as a bit of payback.

