Page 62 of Somebody to Love

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“It’s not my kind of fun.”

“Performing in front of people is not your kind of fun?” He tried to tease her out of her mood. She ignored him.

For now, he’d just enjoy having her thigh pressed to his. Enjoy the contact with this woman who could make his body hum with a single look.

She was a dream to play with, following wherever he led, her hands flying over the keys in perfect harmony with his. Joe had to admit to leaning into her every now and then to touch her, or inhaling her perfume.

“Jack’s just lassoed a woman,” Joe said as they finished a song, drawing Bailey’s eyes up from where they’d been focused on the keys.

“I’m sure that’s not what the doctors meant by taking it easy.”

“He’s all right, Bailey. I wouldn’t let him do anything to hurt himself further. He needs the release.”

“A Trainer male is for a good time, not a long time.”

“Pardon?” Joe leaned closer, sure he’d heard that wrong.

“I was told that a Trainer male is for a good time and not a long time. Considering your behavior, this is accurate, I’m guessing.”

“Who the hell told you that?” Joe felt his anger rise.

“Can you deny kissing me while you are in a relationship with Angie?”

“Yes, because we’ve never had a relationship, me and Angie. We went out casually a few times, nothing more. Angie and I are done. Which I would have told you if you’d let me the other day while you were talking to my washing machine.”

She didn’t speak again, just launched into another song, and he followed, frustrated and angry again. He’d been even-tempered before Bailey arrived in Ryker; now he was anything but.

When he’d seen Bailey in the crowd beside Fin, dressed in that shift that floated round her body and rested midthigh, he’d felt his pulse spike. Her hair wasn’t in its usual messy bun, but hung over one shoulder and down her back in golden curls, He wanted to thread his fingers through it, preferably while he was kissing her senseless.

The more he learned of Bailey, the more intrigued he was with her. The small insight she’d given him into her life, when she’d told him she hadn’t learned life experiences, little things he took for granted, like cell phones and washing machines, had only made his curiosity climb.

She’d also possibly saved his brother’s life, and that had shown courage. Bailey Jones was a complex mix of so many things, and Joe wanted to know her better. Know the woman his thirteen-year-old Bailey had become.

“You play well, Bailey.” He thought he’d get her talking by flattering her. He was wrong; she ignored him, so he tried something else.

Joe placed and arm around her and played.

“What are you doing!” She stiffened; the crowd cheered.

“Stop it!”

“Relax, Bailey, I won’t hurt you. It’s just a bit of harmless fun for the crowd.”

“I-I d-don’t....”

He watched her suck in two deep breaths.

“Please remove your arm.”

He did as she asked, because that stutter told him she was upset, and he had no right to do that to her. He’d always vowed never to frighten or intimidate this woman.

Joe didn’t say anything further. Now wasn’t the time. He left her alone until the float finally stopped at the hospital, behind the others. His siblings were laughing and slapping each other on the back, talking about the fun they’d just had. Jack greeted the hospital staff who had come out to check on him. Joe got to his feet, and turned to help Bailey. She ignored the hand he held out to her, and got to her feet. She then made for the edge of the float, and jumped down.

“The street party starts now, Bailey.”

“Thanks, Luke.”

She waved at his little brother, then started walking. Joe followed, catching her when she rounded the building away from prying eyes.
