Page 141 of We Belong Together

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“Quinn’s a good person.”

They all stared at Nixon in shock after he’d spoken.

“I know that.”

“Well, you shouldn’t ignore what you feel for her if you do,” his youngest brother added.

“So what? You don’t say boo, and suddenly you’re offering me relationship advice?”

Nixon’s mouth kicked up on one side. “I’d have to be blind not to see what’s between you.”

This produced hoots of laughter from the others assembled. Aunt Jess reached over and hugged Nixon hard, and he let her.

Luke held his younger brother’s eyes for a few seconds. Luke wasn’t sure what passed between them, but something did.

“I like to cook,” Nixon said. “I’ve been making pastries with Albert.”

Joe whistled. “Well, if you want work here in my kitchens, we always need it.”

Luke felt wrung out and off-balance suddenly. His chest hurt, and his palms were sweaty. What the hell was wrong with him?

“You ready for this, bro?” He turned to look at Nixon who sat in the row behind him after they’d found their seats for the auction.

“Think so,” Nixon said. They’d got him new clothes, and he looked good. Better, Luke amended. The shadows under his eyes were going, and he looked happier dressed in chinos and a long-sleeved navy T-shirt. His feet were in tan boots.

Joe took the seat to his left, and Pip to his right.

“Shouldn’t you be behind the bar?” Luke asked his brother.

“I hired staff to do that.”

“Show time. I hope you have plenty of money to buy Quinn?”

He didn’t pat his pocket at Pip’s words, but it was a close thing.

“They take charge?” Joe added.

Her mouth kicked up at the sides. “She’s a nice lady, Luke, and perfect for you.”

He didn’t add to that, just sat back to watch.

“More than perfect.”

“She doesn’t live here, Joe.”

“I heard a rumor she’s thinking of moving to the Air National Guard.”

“How the hell did you hear that?”

“You know what it’s like. Someone overheard a conversation and then it spreads.”

“This town,” Luke muttered.

“I talked to her yesterday,” Joe said.


“It was later, after most of the events were done. She was looking for her parents to go home.”
