Page 87 of Bullseye

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The older woman nodded.

Getting to my feet, I climbed back over the reception desk, righted my shirt, and fixed my hair. “Oh, and don’t even think of alerting security. You do not want me coming to your home.”

The scared woman got to her feet and sat before the computer. “What’s…what is his name?”

“Solomon Goodman.”

The woman quickly looked up at me, lightly shaking her head. “I’m…I can’t let you see him. I would if I could, but he’s in isolation. Nobody can see him.”

“Who treats him? Get me the doctor, then.”

“There is no doctor.”

“I’m confused,” I grinned. “This is a treatment facility for the mentally unstable, correct?”

“Yes. But your brother is not a patient.”

“Is he here on vacation? You are not making sense, lady. Get there fast.”

“Your brother checked himself into this facility two years ago. He has refused treatment. Anytime anyone goes near his wing of the facility, he gets volatile. We keep that part of the hospital isolated. No one goes in. Ever.”

“Wait a minute. I checked him in myself. He wasn’t supposed to be isolated. He was supposed to get help.” Toxic said, coming to stand beside me. “He requested this, didn’t he?”

“Yes, Sir. He was very adamant too. Two of the orderlies and a doctor were hurt when they tried to sedate him. The facility owner decided to let Mr. Goodman stay, thinking he was better off here than out in society.”

“What wing?” Toxic asked.

“The east wing.” The woman replied.

“I’m going to beat his ass!” Toxic shouted as he stormed off. I ran to catch up, along with Savage and the other two brothers, not wanting to be left behind.

“Fuck. I’ve never known a more angry, obstinate, just plain mean son of a bitch in my life. How I raised that little shit to be the man he is now, I will never know. He needed a good beat down, not some fucked up facility where he is just wasting away. He promised me he would get help. How is sulking in the dark helping? When I get my hands on that little shit, I’m going to give him the ass beating of a lifetime!”

“Now, Toxic,” Blaze said, trying to keep up. “This is Sandman. Not one of the other brothers. The last time you tried to discipline him, he broke the clubhouse. Remember?”

“It needed to be redone, anyway.”

“Not from the ground up!”

“Blaze is right Toxic. Maybe we let the girl go in. Sandman won’t hurt her.” The other brother from Florida said.

Both Toxic and Blaze stopped dead in their tracks and looked at their other brother. From the looks on their incredulous faces, I knew that my brother was not above hurting a woman.

By the time we made it to the east wing, the sounds of the facility were gone. Before us was a single steel door with a biometric keypad off to the right.

Sighing, I asked. “Anyone know the combination?”

Savage stepped forward, reaching behind his cut and produced a gun. Smiling, he said, “Don’t need one when I have this.”

Before any of us could stop him, Lucas shot the door lock. The loud reverberation of the gun was enough to make me jump. Slapping him hard a couple of times on the arm, I huffed, “You moron! You want to get us arrested?”

“What? It’s unlocked now.”

Rolling my eyes, I stepped back as Toxic opened the door and went in.

“Sandman,” He clearly said. “It’s Toxic.”

