Page 163 of Falling Like This

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Joel takes the beer from me and adds it to the pile in his arms. “I’ll take this outside.”

I wrap my arms around Rae and whisper in her ear, “You were listening in, weren’t you?”

“Maybe. Are you okay?”

I straighten up and look into her eyes. “I’m fine,” I say. And I am. I’m not perfect. Though, with her, I am.

“You sure?”

“Yes, Beautiful. I’m sure. Everything’s good, and I want to enjoy tonight.”

She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Well, good. Because it’s time for truth or dare.” She beams at me and leads me out to the fire pit.

Everyone is taking seats by the fire. I sit in one of the wooden Adirondack chairs and pull Rae onto my lap.

“Then I dare you to jump off the roof into the pool,” Greg says, challenging Nick.

“Thisis why we never play this game,” Maia says pointedly to Nick.

Leigh looks from the roof to the pool, then snaps her head back to Nick. “Ay! So help me God, if you even think of jumping off there, you better plan on sleeping at your parents’ house tonight. And if you break your neck, you better not think I’ll be taking care of you.” She crosses her arms over her chest as everyone looks between her and Nick wide-eyed.

But he leans in and kisses her nose and she melts. Laughing, I wrap an arm around Rae. I don’t know what it is about kissing your girl’s nose that calms her down, but it always works.

“Sorry, guys. I’m passing on that one. Besides, I have a better idea.” Nick looks at Trevor. “I dare you to streak through the neighborhood.

“Oh god…” Hyla groans.

Not one to back down from a dare—or a good time—Trev strips his shirt off and is going for the button on his shorts when Sarah and Hyla manage to stop him.

After that, we settle in and start a more reasonable version of the game, with the person across the fire from you choosing what truth you have to answer or dare you have to do.

When it gets to me, Nick gives me a hard look, then smiles deviously. “Tell us the moment you knew you were in love with Rae. Not puppy love.Real love.”

Of course. Nick would ask that. I didn’t intend to reveal this in a group setting, but I want her to know.

Well aware that all eyes are on us, I shift Rae on my lap so I’m looking right into her eyes. Though I talk loud enough for everyone to hear, I’m saying this only for her.

“Okay. Here it goes. I felt a shift when I kissed you during Sarah’s birthday party, but I thought it was just puppy love. The moment I knew for sure was on vacation in Charleston before ninth grade. It was the second day there, and you were running down the beach, dancing in the waves, and giggling. I remember staring at you and knowing I loved you. I thought you were so beautiful, not just what I could see, but everything I couldn’t. I saw your playfulness and perfect heart and I thoughtthat girl was made for me.And I realized I loved you.”

Moisture creeps into her eyes as her lips curve into a smile.

“Sometimes I wish I would’ve acted on it, but I was terrified. We were solidly best friends by then. As we both know, falling for your best friend can be…”

“Messy?” she offers, smiling. Then she throws her arms around my neck and smashes her lips into mine as everyoneoohsandahhsin the background. “I love you, Ace,” she whispers.

“Love you too, Beautiful.”

“Told you so!” Nick yells across the fire. Rae sticks her middle finger up at him.

“That mean you’re choosing dare?” Trevor asks.

“Always, Trev,” she says.

He and Nick look at each other and smirk. “Well then, give us a reenactment of an amazing orgasm you’ve experienced.”

My eyes widen slightly. Damn, he’s good. But I also want to hit him. Those sounds are reserved for only me.

Rae glares at them as they snicker. She glances around the fire and sees everyone staring at her. Then she looks at me. I shrug. It’s up to her.
