Page 25 of Falling Like This

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“Okay, let me try Sarah,” Rae says. “You two and your damn code. Sarah, you safe?”

“Always, Rae baby.”

“Meet me? 5-4-7.”

“What does that mean?” Miles asks.

“Code. To address whether or not the other is potentially the spy.”

“6-3-1,” she replies.

“Okay, she’s not the spy,” Rae says. “She thinks it’s Joel.” Holding up the walkie again, she says to Sarah, “meet at location three.”

“On it, baby.”

“All right, I’ll go for Mackie, you guys go for Sarah,” Miles says.

“Avoid being too out in the open. If it’s Joel, he’ll be watching. It’s best if he doesn’t know we’re working together,” Rae instructs. She’s got trouble in her eyes tonight. I love it. But I also want to know what kind of trouble she’s brewing.

“If you can, get to my back porch. It’s the most secluded. We’ll meet you there,” I say.

“Got it,” Miles says, before walking off.

“How’d you know your house is location three?” Rae asks.

“Because I was your third best friend. Joel’s is location one. The bakery is location two, Miles’s is location four. And you guys are location seven, just to throw us off. Because you never say five or six.”

She stares at me, incredulous.

I wink at her, then take her hand as we walk. “What, you think you and Joel are the only ones good at this game? I’m not as good at being the spy, but I’m great at paying attention and figuring out who is.”

“Damn, Ace.”

She looks at me with what I can only call her swooning eyes.

Gotta have a little bit of fun tonight, right?

We get to my back deck, where Sarah is already waiting. Seeing from her paper that she’s not the spy, we wait for Mackie and Miles. Once we’re all together and have seen Mackie’s paper, Rae makes a plan to radio Joel. As she does, I pull my paper back out and look at it. Something occurred to me when I saw Mackie’s. Staring at the “p” on my paper, it all snaps together.


I turn back to face her, hiding my smile.

Rae initiates the plan by radioing Joel with two clicks. He responds with three slow clicks. She switches to the third channel setting.

“Hey, I just got away from A. I’m pretty sure he’s the spy. Do you see a safe spot I can get to?”

“Through your front yard, if you can get there, and I’ll meet you by your shed.”

“It’ll take me a few.”

“Okay, I’ll radio you if I see anyone.”

“Roger that.”

She looks at us.

“We split up. Aaron and Sarah go through the backyard, crouch down, and loop around. Mackie and Miles loop around the block and come down the driveway. When we’re all almost in place, radio in, two clicks on the fourth channel.”
