Page 36 of Falling Like This

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I wince at that. “Sorry. For what it’s worth… I get that.”

“I noticed you and Rae haven’t seemed as chatty as normal.”

“It’s complicated.”

“I get it. Anyway, uh, listen, this might sound dumb, but we’ve become friends and—would you want to go to homecoming with me on Friday? I have no intention of going to the game on Saturday—but the dance.”

I stare at her for a moment. Sarah is the only one I know of with a date. I’ve never cared about having one. I usually only go with someone if I’m dating them. Or on occasion with Rae, fake dating. Stupidly, I hoped maybe we’d be going to homecoming together this year. But it looks like that’s not going to happen. Maybe going with Caity would take my mind off how bummed I am about that.

“Yeah. That sounds good. I usually go to Joel’s after—”

She waves a hand. “That’s fine. Aiden and I have plans later that night, but for the dance itself…”

She trails off and I give her hand a squeeze. I understand all too well wishing you were going with the person you have feelings for.

“Cool. Well, I gotta get going, but text me anything I need to know. If I need to match certain colors. Oh, and we usually take pictures at Joel’s beforehand.”

“Okay. Sounds good. We’ll figure out the details. Later, Aaron.”

“Bye, Caity.”

Not exactly how I saw homecoming going, but hopefully it’ll be fun. I need some of that.

Walking back to my truck, I toss my bag in the back and head home.

When I pull up to my house, I’m tired and sweaty. I hop out of my truck and rub the sore spot on the back of my neck. It’s barely eleven, and it already feels like a long day. And then later, I have to see Rae, but not—


Am I imagining things?

I blink hard, then stare at my porch again before taking the stairs two at a time.

“Hey, Ace.” She’s sitting on the porch swing and smiling brightly. There’s vibrance in her eyes. She looks like herself.

“Hey. What are you doing here?”

“Sit down, and I’ll tell ya.”

She wiggles her eyebrows and my heart nearly stops.Fuck, I’ve missed her.

I drop my bag, then sit down on the other side of the bench, throwing my arm over the back.

She scooches closer, and my heartbeat picks up.

“So, what’s up?”

“Two things,” she says, looking up into my eyes. “First, thank you for bringing coffee this morning. That was really thoughtful. I was taking a bath when you stopped by and didn’t have my phone or else I would’ve answered.”

I close my eyes for a second.Damn it. I was overreacting this morning.

“I wish you would’ve stayed for breakfast. I understand why you didn’t, though.” She takes a deep breath. “Which brings me to the second thing I need to say. Thank you for giving me space. I know it was hard for you—it would’ve been hard if you’d asked that of me. It killed me asking, but—I know we were—” She hesitates for a moment before continuing. “Anyway, I couldn’t deal with that and heal at the same time.”

Wow. That might be the closest either of us has come to actually saying how we feel.

“Anyway. I’m not perfect now. Not by any means, but I’m doing a lot better. And I’m here because I want to declare my need for space officially over. I’ve missed you, and I want to beusagain.”

Without a second thought, I lean forward and wrap her in a huge hug.

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