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“Mm, I’ve been helping a girl through the aftermath of being sexually assaulted.” I meet his eyes. “Still a lot sometimes.”

He nods solemnly. “Makes sense. Seems stupid now that I was worried about you and Aaron…”

“It’s not stupid. I mean, it is a little awkward seeing him tonight. The last time we spent time together ended weird and kind of abruptly when the girl I’ve been helping texted me. I don’t know,” I say, blowing out a breath and leaning back against the couch. “Things are quiet but comfortable between us, so I’m trying to have faith. And trying to quiet the voice that’s saying that faith is misplaced. Yay anxiety. Or stress. Or my stupid brain. Who knows?”

He chuckles and squeezes my leg. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s misplaced. You guys ending up together is a certainty.”

“Death, taxes, Aaron and me?” I ask with a laugh.

“Exactly. Come on. Let’s go have some fun.”

“Sounds good, Joelskies.”

I let him pull me off the couch, and we walk outside together, laughing as we go.

Once on the deck, he goes to talk to Trevor, and I instantly feel a searing gaze on me. Turning, I meet Aaron’s eyes across the party and softly wave.

He smiles at me, and my heart flutters. That smile has twisted my insides up since the first time I ever saw it.

I smile back and think about going over to him when Amanda and Sarah surround me, leading me over to dance with Mackie and Jesse.

When I look back, Aaron is talking with Joel and Trevor. Still, he catches my eyes and winks. My heart flutters, filling with fresh hope.

Just keep having faith. We’ll get there.

“Thanks for walking me home,” I say softly to Aaron, trying to stave off the awkwardness of being alone with him.

“Of course. If only I had a sweatshirt to give you,” he says as I rub my hands up and down my arms.

I can’t shake the heat of that statement.He’s always loved seeing me in shirts with his last name on the back.

“I’ll be okay. But I should probably get inside.”

“Probably. Wouldn’t want you to turn into a human popsicle,” he teases.

It’s notthatcold, but as we edge closer to fall, the nights are cooling off.

“That would be bad.” I smile up at him, then he surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

I inhale deeply, taking in his scent, enjoying the comfort of his arms. There’s still some hurt twisted in there, but it mostly feels good.

He lets me go, then opens my window. “Have a good night.”

“Thanks. You too.”

Once I’m inside, he waves, and I close the window, waving back before closing the curtain and falling onto my bed, heart racing.

Are we finally on the right track? It feels like some of the magic between us is coming back—something that always feels stronger in Charleston. I can’t wait to be there, on the beach with him. Hopefully, he’ll be ready to move forward, because I might just attack him on the beach with kisses that are definitely not friendly.

I quickly get changed into pajamas and settle in bed right as my phone vibrates. Picking it up, I see a text from Aaron.

Ace: I know I walked you home, but I didn’t officially say…

Ace: Goodnight, Beautiful. Sleep well.

Me: You’re cute. Night, Ace. See you in the morning.

My heart is melting.
