Page 195 of White Lies

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“A plea deal works that way, but he’s still going to be inside a long time, while Kasey will be out in a year.”

“I still can’t believe he was involved. And Jess Wild. We’ll never know what happened to him, right?”

“The CIA deal with their own.” He changes the subject. “Back to the winery. No regrets over keeping it?”

“No regrets at all. You know how the fire affected me. I gave myself the freedom to live and to let it go.”

“But you didn’t let it go.

“No. We’ve made it possible to maintain my father’s legacy while I’m creating my own—at least I hope that I am.”

He holds up the card from my father. “Then you’re ready for this.”

I swallow hard. “Oh.”


“Yes.” I firm my voice. “Yes I am.” I stand up and take it from him, walking to a small sofa seat a few feet away. Nick joins me, and I slowly peel open the seal and remove the handwritten note. Just seeing my father’s script steals my breath. I start reading out loud:


If you aren’t painting right now, it never really mattered to you. It wasn’t your passion. Because when something is your passion, you can’t let it go. You can’t walk away. The winery was that for me, and so was your mother. Both had flaws, but it’s the imperfections in things that are often perfection. I always assumed that one day I’d tell you how proud I am of you for fighting for what matters to you, for embracing your passion. I just needed it to be the right time. If you’re reading this, I never got the chance to pick that time, and the moral of the story is that life is short. It could end tomorrow. All or nothing, Faith.

I love you forever.


Tears are streaming down my cheeks, and Nick is on his knee beside me. I lean forward and press my hand to his cheek. “All or nothing.”

He kisses my hand and says, “Let’s set the wedding date. We were waiting until things calmed down. That’s now.”

“Let’s elope. Now. Right away. All or nothing.”

Nick smiles. “All or nothing. Name the place.”

