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“I need to talk to you about a few things,” Harlow says to me, and then shifts her attention to Stone. “Do you mind waiting in my office, honey?”

“Sure thing.” He leans over and kisses her before heading to the door.

“He doesn’t have to go,” I say quickly. I have nothing to hide.

“Attorney-client privilege,” Harlow says with a wink. “He does have to go.”

He really doesn’t, but I don’t argue. We’re going to talk about the criminal charges, and it’s not a secret. Fuck, Stone’s the one that bailed me out of jail that day.

When the door closes, Harlow taps her pen on the table. “My dad called in a favor to the district attorney.”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “He didn’t have to do that.”

Harlow’s dad is a bigwig attorney here in Pittsburgh and apparently has connections to people in high places.

“Be glad he did,” she says with a chuckle. “They’re going to dismiss the charges against you.”

“Oh, wow,” I say with relief. While I wasn’t facing jail time, I was anxious to have the case over. At least my parents would get off my back. “What do I owe him?”

“A signed jersey would make him happy.”

Christ… I’d rather pay him ten thousand dollars than have to be reminded that even one single person still wants to connect me to the team. But I swallow that shit down and force a smile. “Consider it done. And what do I owe you for that?”

Harlow lifts her chin and her eyes bore into mine. “Don’t quit the team.”

“Not a price I can pay,” I reply without hesitation.

She nods in understanding. “I’ll send you a bill.”

I seriously doubt I’ll see one. She’s the type who will consider me family through our mutual connection to Stone.

“I appreciate all your help. And your dad’s, too, if you’ll pass that on. I’ll get you a signed jersey to give to him ASAP.”

“He’ll love it,” she assures me.

We stand from the table and as we walk to the door, she asks, “Are you selling your place here in Pittsburgh?”

“Yeah. I’ve got a Realtor looking at it. I have to repaint the interior first, but then it will go on the market. I’d love for you to handle the legal stuff, if you don’t mind.”

Harlow laughs. “I never mind making money. Consider it done. Hey… want to grab lunch with me and Stone?”

“Nah,” I say, tucking my hands in my pockets. “I’ve got a long drive ahead.”

Tipping her head, she regards me with a mixture of sympathy and frustration. “Okay. I know he’d love to spend some time with you, but—”

“Truly… if I didn’t have the drive—”

“We both know you’d still decline.” She dips her head and levels me with that look my third-grade teacher, Ms. Vail, used to give me when I was trying to talk my way out of something.

“I appreciate the offer,” I say neutrally, moving toward the door. “Tell Stone I said goodbye.”

“Will do. Take care.”

I nod at Harlow and walk out of her office, now the brand-new owner of a cabin in a sleepy town where I intend to stay lost to the world for a good long while.


