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“And all of the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphics have not yet been unlocked. Whoever has the stone holds the key,” said Indy.

“Precisely,” said Malcolm. “It could have been stolen by the French because they are on the hunt for a new archaeological treasure. Or, perhaps they’ve found the missing pieces of the stone and want to make a whole.”

“Wouldn’t that be incredible?” Indy’s spectacles practically fogged over with academic fervor. “To see the stone made whole. To read the final lines of the texts.”

Raven nodded tersely. “I’ll leave for Paris immediately.” This would take precedence over finding the traitor, for the moment.

“There’s another possibility,” said Indy, her moustache wobbling precariously as she spoke. “The stone could have been stolen by Russia and made to look as though France was the culprit. It would be to Russia’s benefit to sow discord. The truce between England and France seems tentative at best.”

“An interesting supposition.” Malcolm met Raven’s gaze above her head, as if to say,isn’t she a clever one?

Yes, yes, she was too clever by a long sight. Raven wished she’d stop displaying her extreme cleverness to Britain’s top spymaster.

While he admired Malcolm and respected him, he also knew the man placed his duty to crown and country above all else. He wouldn’t be above using Indy for his own purposes.

“Lady India doesn’t want the thieves to be French because she’s so friendly with that pompous Beauchamp fellow at the Louvre Museum in Paris,” Raven explained to Malcolm.

“You’re just jealous,” Indy retorted. “Monsieur Beauchamp has accomplished more for the field of antiquities study in the last year alone than you’ll achieve in your self-indulgent lifetime.”

The Frenchman may have been one of the first to crack the secrets of hieroglyphics, but that didn’t make him a worthy partner for Indy. The thought of her with another man made Raven want to slam his fist into a slab of basalt, but how could he begrudge her any happiness that might come her way?

She deserved love, happiness—all of the things he could never give her.

Just not with Beauchamp.

Raven realized he was still holding the lamp and set it down. “His antiquities studies make Beauchamp a perfect suspect.”

“Why would he steal the stone?” asked Indy. “He’d never be able to display it in the Louvre’s new department of Egyptian antiquities without causing an international scandal.”

“Indeed. Wars have been waged for lesser insults,” said Malcolm. “For the moment, no one knows the stone is missing except the thieves and we three. We can’t risk anyone else finding out. The stone was to be moved to the British Museum in a fortnight’s time for permanent display.”

“I’ll retrieve the stone within the fortnight,” Raven assured him.

Indy rounded on him. “You didn’t even know it wasn’t the real stone. How are you supposed to tell the real one from another replica?”

“She has a point,” agreed Malcolm. “I can’t go with you. I have to stay here and make sure no one else discovers it’s missing.”

“I’m the only one who can find the true stone,” declared Indy. “Send me, Sir Malcolm. You won’t regret it.”

“Out of the question,” said Raven. “Nip that idea in the bud. It would be a dangerous and highly sensitive mission.”

He could barely see her eyes behind the spectacles, but he was sure they had narrowed.

“What are you saying, Ravenwood, that I’m not capable? That I’m not discreet?” Indy asked.

He must tread carefully. Don’t raise her hackles. “I’m saying that stolen antiquities are my sordid area of expertise, not yours, my lady.”

“And hieroglyphics are my area of expertise, not yours.”

“I’ll go to Paris,” said Raven. “Alone.”

“You can’t keep me in London,” Indy retorted. “I’ve as much right as you to search for the stone.”

“And I’m telling you it’s too dangerous.” He rose to his full height, glowering down at her. “I forbid you to search for the stone.”

She had the gall to laugh in his face. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

Fool. You know better than that.Tell Indy not to do something and she did the exact opposite.
