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“I climbed out the window and followed them.”

Logan and Nick exchanged an incredulous glance.

“And then?” Nick said.

“I followed them through the garden to the carriage.” The lad suddenly looked worried. “There was nobody to help, and I wanted to see where they were going. Was that bad of me?”

Logan smoothed the damp hair from his son’s forehead. “It was incredibly brave. I’m proud of you, son. I’m only sorry I wasn’t there to help you.”

Braden hurried into the room, followed by the twins and Victoria.

“Is Joseph all right?” Grant asked in a worried voice.

“I’m fine, Uncle Grant,” Joseph said. “I just fell in a big puddle.”

“Let yer uncle Braden have a wee look,” Angus said. “Just to make sure.”

Braden, a tall young man whose spectacles lent him a serious aspect, exchanged places with Nick.

“Can you stand up and let me have a look at you, laddie boy?” he asked with a kind smile.

Logan helped the boy to the floor. He seemed steady on his feet and was no longer shivering.

“Joseph, how did you fall into such a big puddle?” he asked while Braden expertly ran his hands over the boy’s arms and legs.

“I fell off the back of the carriage when it went around a corner.”

For a few seconds, a stunned silence hung over the room.

“Uh, what carriage?” Nick asked.

Joseph made an exasperated noise. “The carriage they put Donella in. No one else was around, remember? I had to do it.”

Everyone but Angus looked appalled.

“Joseph, that was very brave,” Victoria said, “but also—”

“Very smart,” Logan interrupted.

He’d be damned if he criticized the boy for his brave but foolish act. Not when he and the rest of them had failed to be there when they were needed.

“Aye, smart like yer da,” Angus said with pride.

“Son, did you get any sense where they were going?” Logan asked.

“Hang on a moment,” Braden murmured as he checked Joseph’s eyes and felt his little head for bumps.

“I couldn’t tell, Papa,” Joseph said a moment later. “It was dark, and when I fell off, the carriage got away from me.” He blinked hard. “I’m sorry.”

Logan stroked his head. “You did a splendid job, and it was very capable of you to find your way back here.”

“But Donella’s in trouble, and I couldn’t help her.”

The boy’s anguish almost broke Logan’s heart and battered him with fear. It sounded like the lass could have been badly hurt during the abduction.

He lifted Joseph back onto his lap. “Not to worry, lad. We’ll find her.”

Graeme came to stand beside Logan. “Joseph, do you remember where you fell off the carriage?”
