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“What I am is a man very motivated to have some privacy with his bride,” he dryly replied. “Kendrick House is a bit crowded these days. I’m continually terrified that Angus or one of the children is going to burst in on us at a decidedly inappropriate time.”

“It is a trifle much with that many of us under one roof,” she admitted. “Especially now that Royal and his family are here for a visit. I only worry that this particular property is too far from the city. I don’t want you spending so much time going back and forth between a house in the country and your offices in Glasgow.”

“Lass, we’re only a twenty-minute carriage ride from the edge of Glasgow. And this place is close to the port, which is certainly convenient for my work.”

She cast him a dubious look. “Are you sure?”

He tipped up her chin to give her a thorough kiss.

“What I’m sure of,” he finally said, “is that I want my wife to be happy. And I’m happy to live outside of the city—and also happy to have a bit of distance from my family. If we’re not careful, Angus will be haunting our doorstep on a daily basis.”

She patted his chest. “Your grandfather can visit as often as he likes. I think he’s great fun.”

“And he thinks you’re his special project. He’s determined to teach you about our family, the clan, and every arcane bit of Scottish history he can think of. He’ll bore you to tears, most likely.”

“Then I’ll bore him right back with lengthy lectures about optimal growing conditions for orchids and the most effective methods for pruning fruit trees. Trust me, darling, I can arcane with the best of them.”

Grant laughed. “That ought to do it. Now, would you like to see the greenhouse and the rest of the place before you make a final decision?”

Kathleen took his arm. “Lead on, husband.”

They poked around the greenhouse, a long, sweeping wing that culminated in a lovely octagonal pavilion. Kathleen was charmed by the beauty of the design, and the wonderful light that flooded through the large panes of glass.

“It’s splendid. Grant, I think we should take it right now.”

“But you haven’t even seen the rest of the house. Who knows what the water closets are like, or the chimneys? Remember Lochnagar?”

“Oh, bother the water closets. They can be repaired.”

She swept out her arms to take in the greenhouse, the pavilion, and the gardens. “This is what counts. This is where the fun truly happens.”

Grant’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “What about the bedrooms? As I recall, we seem to have a great deal of fun in those.”

“That is an excellent point. Perhaps we’d best survey them, too.”

“Perhaps we’d besttestthem out. Find just the right one before we make a final decision,” he replied, waggling his brows.

She felt her eyes pop wide. “Right now? You cannot be serious.”

He fished a large key out of his pocket. “I’ve got the house key, and I’m entirely serious. If you’re up to it, that is.”

“Is that a challenge, Mr. Kendrick?”

“I believe it is, Mrs. Kendrick.”

She poked him in the cravat. “Then challenge accepted, sir.”

Between one breath and the next, he swept her into his arms and began striding toward the front door.

Kathleen grabbed her hat. “Grant, I can walk into the house, you know.”

“Not the first time, sweetheart. The first time you enter your new home, I’m carrying you over the threshold.”

She let out a happy sigh. “You are truly the most romantic man in the world.”

“Not the most boring?”

“I don’t think so, but perhaps you’d best prove it to me again.”

He grinned. “Challenge accepted, wife.”

Kathleen laughed with sheer joy as Grant carried her over the threshold and into their new and decidedly not-boring life.
