Page 46 of Devil You Know

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Logan kept up a lighthearted patter while he helped Leo get his backpack on, hoping to distract him from the fact that his parents were on the porch having what was probably not a fun conversation.

It was a challenge keeping his voice light, but he did it for Leo. The little boy was quickly becoming one of his favorite people in the world, and Logan was beginning to wonder how he’d gone thirty-eight years without a little sidekick in his life.

Logan had recognized Nathan the moment he’d opened the door, thanks to the internet stalking he’d done of Gabriella’s fiancé back when she dropped the bomb of her impending marriage. He might have felt embarrassed if not for the fact that Nathan had seemed to know him too.

Touché, Fitzgerald. Touché.

The fight was about him. Obviously. Nathan didn’t like the fact that Logan was here, sleeping in the same house as Nathan’s ex-wife and son.

Logan got it — he wouldn’t like it if he were in Fitzgerald’s shoes either — but that didn’t mean he was sympathetic. Gabriella wasn’t Nathan’s wife anymore, and while he had a right to weigh in on things that affected Leo, he didn’t have a right to issue an ultimatum.

By the time Ella stepped back into the house, her cheeks red, face pinched with anger, Logan had Leo ready to go. They all wore their best smiles to say goodbye, wanting to make it easy for Leo, but Logan could tell Nathan was still pissed by the way he avoided looking at Ella or Logan.

Ella stood on the porch and waved until Nathan pulled away from the curb, Leo waving from the back seat. Then she shut the door with a sigh of relief.

She looked at him. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for,” Logan said. “I’m probably the one who should apologize.”

She studied him. “Will you?”

He held her gaze. “No. Because I’m not sorry to be here with you, with Leo.”

She smiled and pushed off the door. “What are you up to today?”

“Nothing special,” he said. “I thought I’d go back to the apartment, check on the men. Ford will be here soon to start your security upgrade.”

“That’s right. It’s Saturday.” She sounded wistful, maybe a little sad.

“What do you usually do when Nathan has Leo?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “Work, mostly. Sometimes I’ll go to a movie.”

“I have a better idea,” he said.

“You do?”

“How about you spend the day showing me around Chicago instead? I haven’t been here for ages. I could use a tour guide,” he said.

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you taking pity on me so I don’t spend the day working and feeling guilty and sad that my kid has to split his time between parents?”

“No, I’m trying to keep you away from Ford’s wolfish eyes while he installs your security system,” Logan said. “Trust me, you’ll be doing me a favor.”

She laughed, her eyes bright again. “Are you saying you feel jealous when your security guy flirts with me?”

He grinned. “I’m saying I feel violent.”

Maybe he should have played it cool, held his cards close to his chest. But he didn’t want to. He hadn’t figured out the details yet, but he knew he wanted her and he wasn’t going to dance around it.

She bit her lip. “Well, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of an interoffice rift. Leave in an hour?”

* * *

They went to the observation deck at the John Hancock Center and looked out over Lake Michigan, the air cool and crisp, washed clean by the rain. After that, they went to Millennium Park where they rode the Ferris Wheel, Logan feeling like a kid again, excited just to sit close to the girl of his dreams.

They bought hot dogs and lemonade and sat by the Crown Fountain, an enormous reflecting pool set in black granite between two towers. They watched as kids splashed in the water while couples walked hand in hand and teenagers rode bikes and skateboards across the stone walkway.
