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The lady’s hands went straight to her hips.

“You told me plainly that your guests would be arriving in the late afternoon, Lord Addenbrook.” Her obvious frustration had Patrick stuttering to a stop, having been quite ready to continue on with his frustrations. “I thought I should walk out with Henry after luncheon so that we would not disturb your guests! I have done only as you instructed and now you attempt to blame me?”

Throwing up her hands, she made to turn and spin away from him but Patrick, before he knew what he was doing, had reached out and caught her hand. Miss Trean, surprised by his hand on hers, stumbled and Patrick caught her as she fell against his chest.

Surprise came first. It spread out across his chest as he looked down at Miss Trean, only just realizing for the first time the depths in her blue eyes. She blinked, her mouth a little ajar with surprise and one hand resting against his chest. Silence spread out around them, capturing them together in this one moment. Neither of them moved, but Patrick was all too aware of a steadily growing heat that began to burn in the middle of his chest, right where Miss Trean was against him.

She moved first.

“I – I do apologize.” Turning all about her, she stepped back and then picked up her bonnet which Patrick had not even noticed had fallen from her hand. “I shall, of course, make certain that both myself and Henry do not become known to any of your guests.” Taking in a deep breath that lifted her shoulders and sent a calmness into the rolling seas in her eyes, Miss Trean looked directly into his face. “I apologize for speaking out of turn, my Lord. You are, of course, quite correct.”

“No, I am not.” Patrick moved closer, still astonished not only by what he had done but by what he had felt. “I do not recall speaking exactly to you about what time the guests would arrive but that in itself is a failure on my part. I spoke rashly and without consideration.” His hand reached out towards her, but Patrick pulled it back with an effort, knowing he had no right nor need to take her hand, even though the desire to do so was very strong indeed. “Do not apologize, Miss Trean. I will make certain that, one way or another, you remain informed about all the particulars as regards the guests.”

“That is most kind of you.” She bit her lip, as if she were about to say something more, then turned her head away, leaving Patrick suddenly desperate to find out what it was she had been going to say.

Someone coughed behind him, and Patrick turned.


The butler came a little closer, but Patrick did not move away from Miss Trean.

“My Lord, I believe another carriage has just arrived. Is this your final guest?”

A long sigh of frustration ripped from Patrick’s mouth. It was not that he did not want to see or spend time with his guests but more than, at the present time, he wanted very much just to be with Miss Trean and converse only with her – in the hope that he might somehow be able to discover a little more about what it was he felt at present since it was all so very strange.

“It will be Lord Kingston.”

A small exclamation came from Miss Trean and Patrick turned swiftly, seeing the paleness sweep into her cheeks. Her eyes met his, but she quickly began to back away, one hand held up, palm out, towards him.

“Forgive me, I should not be holding you back from your guests, Lord Addenbrook. Pray excuse me.”

The realization that she was afraid of overstepping the clear boundary he had just set down for the second time made Patrick’s heart sink. He did not want her to be afraid of him nor worry that there would be particular consequences for her should she make any sort of mistake, but yet that appeared to be the impression he was giving her.

And I will not see her for the next few days. Even though she will be living in my house and spending all of her time with my nephew.That thought sent his heart lurching after her, as if it yearned to be where she was instead of greeting Lord Kingston and spending time with his guests.I could always go to see Henry. I could….

Patrick shook his head to himself and pinched the bridge of his nose. He would not pretend. The fact was, he was beginning to realize that the way Henry viewed him was not in a pleasant light and that was something that Patrick wished to change – but perhaps now was not the time for such a thing. Perhaps now he ought to think solely about his guests and his house party and make sure that they all took with them a great appreciation for his home, his possessions, and his wealth so that, in turn, they would be reminded of his status and his title and just how grateful they should be that he was in their acquaintance – because that was what he wanted - wasn’t it?

Chapter Eight

“My uncle does not wish to see me?”

“Your uncle is very busy with his guests.” Albina pulled up the blankets a little more around Henry. “But you know that he cares for you.”

“He is often very angry with me.”

Albina hesitated before she answered, wanting to do justice both to Lord Addenbrook and to Henry.

“I do not believe that you always behaved well, however. There was cause for him to be cross with you.” Seeing the boy frown, Albina continued to smooth the blankets. “But he should not have shouted so. You must trust me when I tell you that your uncle has a great affection for you, my dear. You are his nephew after all!”

“But I think that –”

“And now it is time for you to go to sleep.” Albina interrupted, smiling down at him softly. “We can discuss your uncle a little more in the morning if you wish.” Leaning forward, she brushed a kiss across Henry’s cheek. The boy was very tired, and Albina was sure that he would fall into a deep sleep very soon. It had been an enjoyable day although, as Albina closed the door, she had to admit to herself that she was very worried indeed about residing in the same house as Lord Kingston. She had not heard him and certainly had not seen him but there was a prickling awareness of his presence. The knot of fear had tightened with every hour that had passed during the afternoon and evening and even now, Albina was aware of it tugging tighter still.

She did not think that she would be able to sleep. No doubt the creaks and scuffles coming from the walls of her room would keep her awake and she would then simply lie there, unable to close her eyes for fear that a rat would leap up onto her bed and onto her chest, Albina did not think that she would have a restful night. Her thoughts were already plagued, her mind whirring as she considered the fact that Lord Kingston was present in the house. It was just as well that the Marquess had insisted that Henry stay out of sight during the house party, else she might well have found herself in an inextricable situation.

“Miss Trean?”

Albina turned as she stood at the door.

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