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Henry’s voice was soft, already tinged with sleep.

“My father will come to say good night to me, won’t he?”

Her eyes slid closed as an ache pounded through her heart.

“We must both hope that he will be able to do so one day, Henry.”

“I know that he will come.” The boy yawned and a small, sad smile pulled at Albina’s lips. “He will come in and kiss my cheek and say that he will come again tomorrow.”

Albina walked back across the room, bent down, and kissed the small boy’s cheek.

“One day, I hope, he will do just as I have done.”

Smiling at the way his eyes fluttered closed, she smoothed his blankets and then returned to the door. Henry’s breathing was already slow and deep, and Albina crept out of the room, wishing desperately that she could make Henry’s request come true.

Maybe I should speak to Lord Addenbrook to see if he has received a reply to his letter.Closing the door carefully behind her, Albina leaned back against it and shut her eyes.No, that would be foolish. He has enough to consider at present already.

If there was anything of significance, she had to trust that Lord Addenbrook would inform her of it. Whilst he clearly did not want Henry’s presence to interrupt the house party, Albina believed that he had the boy’s best interests at heart. There was definitely upset – perhaps even anger – within him, over the fact that he had not yet been able to find his brother. Perhaps in seeing Henry, Lord Addenbrook was overcome with such emotions and thus did not want to spend much time with his nephew to avoid such feelings.

Pushing herself away from the door, Albina walked towards her bedchamber, passing the schoolroom as she went.

Something caught in her peripheral vision, and she stepped back, her brow furrowing – just as the door flew open and someone – Albina did not recognize their face – rushed from it. His shoulder caught hers and she staggered back, hitting her head hard against the wall. Slumping down against that wall with one hand going to her head, Albina let out a moan of pain as sparks flew in her vision.

Nobody heard her.

With no maids or footmen nearby, Albina was left to herself, struggling against the throbbing in her head. Blinking rapidly, her breathing a little ragged, she somehow managed to pull herself to standing, leaning heavily against the wall with one hand for support.

When she took her hand away, it was red with blood.

Even the sight made her head spin, but Albina forced herself to take one step forward and then the next. Quite how she made it down the staircase, she did not know, for her vision was blurred and the only sound she could hear was the thunderous pounding in her head.

“Miss Trean?”

A voice sounded very close to her, and Albina winced, closing her eyes tightly.

“Is there a reason that you are down from the nursery? Does not Henry require you?”

Albina, her hand still clamped to her head, tried to answer but her words were slightly slurred.

“He is asleep and will not wake until morning.”

It was Lord Addenbrook, she realized. Managing to open her eyes, she saw him take a step back, his expression one of shock.

“Miss Trean.” His voice was firmer now. “I will not abide you imbibing whilst you are here. Even if Henry is abed, that is no excuse for such a thing. I–”

It took Albina a moment to realize that the moan had come from her own lips. The air around her grew thin, her eyes closed of their own accord, and she tried to steady herself on something – anything – and her hand dropped from her head.

She did not hear Lord Addenbrook’s swift intake of breath. She did not feel his arms around her, catching her as she fell and lifting her as he carried her to the library. The pain, for the moment, was quite gone as darkness overtook her and carried her away, her head lolling back and her body limp in Lord Addenbrook’s arms.

* * *

“Miss Trean?”

Albina turned her head sharply and then wished she had not done so, for her head exploded with agony. She had revived a little over an hour ago and had been left in the capable hands of the maid and the housekeeper who had appeared to be rather concerned over her condition. However, with a little rest and a good deal of sweet tea, Albina now was now much recovered.

“Lord Addenbrook.”
