Page 24 of Lifeguard Leo

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“Where’d she go?” I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like her answer.

“To see her family.”

I hiked an expectant eyebrow. Her family?

“Out of state.”

“Are you kidding me?” I fisted one hand and scrunched up the box in the other.

Laney jumped and stepped back. I didn’t mean to raise my voice so loud, but shit. Red took off out of state to avoid me.

“For how long?”

“She didn’t mention her trip to you?”


“Then I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t give me that shit, Laney.”

“Seriously, if after spending the night with you, she didn’t tell you, I have to assume she didn’t want you to know.”

I was furious Red would leave town without telling me. But then, we weren’t a couple. She didn’t owe me shit. I held out the box to Laney. “Here, I don’t have any use for this now.”

Laney stared at it for a long beat. “You brought her the morning-after pill?”

“Yes. We didn’t use protection.”

She gaped, staring at me with the most enormous, most stunned brown eyes I’d ever seen. “Oh, fuck. Why didn’t you? And after the hundreds of women you screwed?”

“I have not screwed hundreds of women.”

“Well, at least dozens. You could have given her herpes or worse.”

“I’m clean. I wouldn’t do that to her or any woman. Can you give me her number?”


I scratched the back of my head and bit down on my back molars. “Can you tell me anything?”

“She’d never take this pill.”

“Yeah, she told as much this morning.”

“And you bought it anyway?”

“I don’t want kids. I’m not father material.”

“Wow. I should have seen that one coming. You might as well forget about Sc… Red.”

“You almost said her name.”

“I caught myself before I did. Honestly, Leo, she wants marriage and children. She comes from a conservative Christian family. She was homeschooled and has younger siblings. She’s a family girl.”

“But, I like her.”

“I’m sure you’ll get over her. Or find someone else to take your mind off her.” She started to close the door. I stopped it with my hand.
