Page 41 of Lifeguard Leo

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“Come on, you two. Eat before it gets cold.” Chris nudged Leo’s arm. “Just imagine how you’d feel if you saw her with three guys making googly eyes at her.”

Leo’s jaw ticked.

“And, Scarlett, he was only talking. Leo’s a nice guy. But, babe, he isn’t stupid. He won’t screw up with you. He won’t cheat.”

Leo shot him a murderous look. “Don’t call her babe.”

“See? He’d come unhinged over you in an instant.” Chris bit into his burger and groaned. “It’s perfect.”

I inhaled and looped my arm around Leo’s neck, noting the tension in his shoulders. I really didn’t know what to say but felt bad because he was obviously upset about me almost leaving. “You should eat before it gets cold.”

“Are we okay?” One large hand gripped my thigh while his other hand went to my cheek, and he stroked it with his thumb. “You’re it for me, Red.”

I nodded, keeping my eyes locked on his. “Crisis averted.” I kissed him tenderly, assuring him with my lips that we were okay. I didn’t care who saw or if Chris was being a giant turd laughing. Leo needed to know we were okay.

Leo growled into my mouth. “Fuck, baby. Don’t ever run from me.”

“Just don’t do anything stupid and I won’t.”

“Just talk to me before taking off, okay? I mean it, Red. I know how it might have looked with those women talking to me, but I swear to you, I only want you. I just wasn’t being a dick, but if you want me to, I will.”

“I don’t want you to be a dick. But you also don’t have to be charming either. They were laughing. You were making them laugh. I know the flutters I get in my heart when you’re playing with me. I got jealous.”

“You’re right. Won’t happen again.” He hugged me tightly. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.” And I was for freaking him out. The way his heart was hammering against my arm as I leaned into his chest told me he really feared losing me.

“Now that we’re all made up, eat before I eat everything.”

Leo and I laughed. Chris was a great guy. He intended to carry the torch as a lifelong bachelor since Leo was off the market. And I was damn glad Leo was off the market and mine.

We ate our lunch and I hung out the rest of the afternoon with Leo, catching some rays and admiring my sexy-as-fuck boyfriend. Tonight we’d make up for earlier.



I DROPPED ONTO a barstool and waved at Dave. It’d been over two weeks since I was last here. Being with Red kept me busy after work. Not that I was complaining. I loved every second I had with her. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to be with her as much as I wanted. I adjusted my work schedule to be off with her during the day on Fridays and she’d spend the night with me over the weekend. On Monday, we repeated the same routine.

It wasn’t horrible. I had Red to myself several nights a week, but she was tired a lot and would pass out after our first round of sex. But she’d make up for it in the morning or until she had to go to work.

I just wished she was with me every night, especially after the beach incident last Friday with the women. Red and I had a spectacular makeup session that night, but it had freaked me out big time when she admitted she was jealous. I understood why, considering my reputation. Much like Dave regretted some things in his past, I regretted all the women before Red and being known as a manwhore.

Though I couldn’t change a damn thing and Red never threw it in my face, all I had to do was turn the tables. I wouldn’t like it if she had my reputation.

“Hey, man, how the fuck have you been? IPA?”

I laughed at Dave’s surprised expression. “Perfect. I’m terrific. How’s April and the kids?”

“Terrific. So am I to assume the gorgeous redhead you practically ran out of here with is the reason for your absence?”

“You assume correctly. Scarlett has rocked my world.” I pounded my hand on my heart and grinned.

“I can tell. You look content, friend.” He set a bottle in front of me, then leaned on the counter.

“Content.” I put my drink to my lips, considering the word. “Yeah. I am content.” I guzzled the beer.

“So, where is she?”
