Page 52 of Lifeguard Leo

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“It’s pregnancy hormones. I’m sure of it.”

I laughed while lifting the shirt off her. I loved being inside Red, making love to her, and fucking her hard as she often requested. The best part was not having to use a condom.Heaven.

I kissed down her chest, careful of her sensitive nipples, and kissed her belly.

“Hey, precious baby, doing all right in there?” I talked to her belly, and she giggled. My buddies called me an idiot, but I didn’t care. I wanted my baby to know my voice and that I would move heaven and earth for them. “You should know you have the most loving and beautiful mother on the planet. You and I are a couple of lucky ducks. Baby duck and daddy duck.”

Red giggled, twirling her fingers in my hair. “You are too much.”

“Well, since we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, I thought I’d stay neutral.”

“I thought you said it was a boy?”

“I did. It is a boy, but I still thought I’d keep it neutral until it was confirmed.”

“Hmm, I see. And it won’t be confirmed until our child is born.”

I nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking.” I issued her a lopsided grin. I loved how she humored me. She probably knew I’d eventually want to find out the gender, but for now, she let me have my way. I wasn’t disillusioned. Red rarely balked at anything. She was so easy-going and a free spirit. She just liked being happy. I figured so long as I made her happy, she’d give me everything I wanted, and in return, I’d give her everything she wanted.Win-win.

I kissed my way down her stomach and got straight to it. I could tell she was tired, but we never went to bed without making love, and we always started the day with making love.

I slowly swiped my tongue and listened for her soft moan.

“Yes…” she said through a heavy breath as I continued lavishing her with broad, flat strokes of my tongue. These days it didn’t take her long to orgasm—another effect of pregnancy hormones.

I inserted a finger and rubbed her clit. Her thighs shook, and she grabbed onto my head and bucked.

“Take it, Red. Take. It.”

And she did, with vigor. “I love your tongue.”

I chuckled. My woman could get loud. I had no idea how we would have sex after the baby. It would be a challenge for sure, but I didn’t need to figure it out now.

Red shot off into a galaxy far, far away and panted through her climax. “Wow. This. Never. Gets. Old.” She crossed her arm over her eyes and continued breathing. “You’re so good to me.”

She sure knew how to make me feel like a king. I tugged off my boxers and got between Red’s legs. “No, baby. It doesn’t get old. I love making you come, whether on my tongue or my cock.” I slipped into her warm, wet pussy and groaned. “Fucking fantastic.”

“I love you, Leo.”

I started moving in her. “I love you more, Red.”



One year later…

I HADN’T STOPPED smiling once since I saw Red’s positive pregnancy test a year ago. Who would have thought me, Lifeguard Leo, the eternal bachelor, would be settled with a wife and baby? Surely not me. But I was and I had never been happier.

As I watched the people on the beach and in the water, I couldn’t help staring a little longer at the children through my binoculars. I hadn’t paid much attention to the little rug rats before I had my own. I mean yeah, I made sure they were safe, but I didn’treallylook at them.

Nowadays, they stole my attention while I was here, which was only twice a week. Red had encouraged me not to quit altogether because she knew how much I loved lifeguarding and helping others. My wife was the sweetest womanever.

After Red and I found out we were going to be parents, I made some changes in my life. I figured it was time to get a real job, as my parents used to tell me. The only thing was, I didn’t want to be away from Red and my son. They were my life. I wanted to be with them all the time. So I used my fame as Lifeguard Leo to my advantage and started a YouTube channel calledLife with Leo and Red.

We had over three million subscribers after only seven months. And the first video I posted was of Red’s and my wedding. I wanted to show the eternal bachelor was off the market. It had over five million views.

YouTube was some crazy shit. Red couldn’t imagine why anyone would care about our lives, but all anyone had to do was look at her, and it was pretty easy to see. Red rocked the camera. Her spunk and sweetness stole the show. Hell, I think more viewers were interested in her than me, and I was totally okay with it. I enjoyed staring at her too, especially when she was plump with our son and shined brighter than the sun.
