Page 8 of Lifeguard Leo

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“I’m just sad, Laney. I can be sad.”

“Maybe Leo is an angel sent by Erin. You’ve always struggled with relationships. Maybe he’s a gift from her.”

“Well, if he is, she sent the wrong kind of guy.” I pointed at Leo. “Just look at him. The woman standing there is the third to stop and talk to him since we got on the ride.”

“He’s obviously turning them away, because they don’t stay there long.”

“We don’t know what he’s saying to them. He could’ve given them his number. Can we just think about Erin and not Leo?”


My thoughts wander to the last conversation I’d had with Erin. We were drinking our morning coffee before she left to work. Her office had a dinner thing planned for all its accountants, but she didn’t want to go to it. I wished she hadn’t because she never made it home.

I wiped away tears I hadn’t noticed were sliding down my cheeks. “Erin loved this stupid ride,” I muttered as I saw another woman talking to Leo.

“She said it made her feel on top of the world.”

“It makes me queasy.”

“That’s your emotions. You’re getting worked up over Leo.”

“Am not.”

“Are so.” She squeezed my hand. “I’m going to sleep at my parents’ house tonight so you can have the place to yourself with Leo.”

“No. You don’t have to stay away.”

“I know I don’t. But you should be alone with him. You’ll be nervous as it is and don’t need me lurking around.”

“What if he hurts me? He’s a stranger. It’s irresponsible of me to even consider taking him home.”

“The kiss you both shared didn’t look like two strangers kissing.”

It didn’t feel like we were strangers either. “But I won’t get to see you before I leave for my parents’. My flight is at ten.”

“Then I’ll hug you here. Going home for a visit will be good for you. It’s been a year since you last saw your family.”

“Yeah. Plus, it’ll give me time to figure out this job thing. I really don’t want another roommate, but we can’t afford the townhome on our own, and I don’t want to move.”

“Me either. We’ll figure it out. So tell me, are you going to give Leo your number or tell him your real name?” Her big brown eyes were wide and filled with excitement. Seemed she really wanted me to be with Leo.

“No. Tonight is only about losing my virginity. I can’t believe I even let you talk me into this.”

She nudged my shoulder. “Oh, please. I can tell you like him.”

She was right. I did like Leo. But as the ride stopped, another woman was with him. I pushed the idea of him out of my mind.

I needed to be honest with myself. Leo wasn’t boyfriend or husband material. He was a lady magnet. The rumors must’ve all been true, because women flocked to him.

My parents had taught me to only date someone I would consider marrying. That wasn’t Leo. The way I was raised probably contributed to my lack of boyfriends. Most men I met weren’t marriage material. Falling in love and having a family were important to me; I just hadn’t found the right guy yet.

Leo was the furthest thing from the right guy.

When we exited the ride, Leo was at the gate, waiting like he said he would.

“I’m going to take off,” Laney announced. “She came with me. Do you have a car?”

“I sure do.”
