Page 2 of Effing Eli

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“Please sit down, Eli.” Her soft, melodious voice raked down my spine, making it tingle. I hadn’t heard her laugh or sing in the shower in over a year. Or the sweet inflections she’d have when telling me about her day. Now I wouldn’t have the pleasure ever again after today. The finality of it all shattered my fucking soul. “This is what I want.”

I nodded, pressing my fingers to my temple. “Proceed.” I haphazardly flicked my hand toward my lawyer.

Irreconcilable fucking differences were the grounds of our divorce. I didn’t have an affair, and neither did Autumn. I wasn’t a wife-beater, a drunk, or an addict. I didn’t gamble away our money or forget her birthday or our anniversary.

No, we’d been at odds over having a baby. Autumn wanted to start a family, and I wanted to wait until my career was stable.

She wanted to move out of Manhattan and buy a home. I refused.

She wanted to go to Paris. I didn’t have the time.

She cried when I canceled last minute on our date night. I brought her flowers.

She was lonely while I busted my ass, moving up the corporate ladder. I ignored all the signs I was losing my wife.

Irreconcilable differences…

I zoned out during all the legal talk, soaking up Autumn’s beautiful face. Her dimples were absent. The sparkle in her warm, amber-colored eyes had been missing for over a year. She was the most stunning and caring woman. Intelligent and friendly, funny, and sassy with a heart bigger than all of New York.

And I lost her.

She rose from her seat and collected her handbag. I couldn’t admire her gentle curves under the coat. Curves I hadn’t touched in far too long. I missed holding her in my arms and making love to her… and how she would beg for me to fuck her into oblivion.

“I just want one minute,” I demanded, my voice harsher than I intended. At this point, I didn’t give a shit. Autumn would give me this. She owed me one minute of her time. “Just one…please.”

Her lawyer shook his head. I’d knock it clean off his body if he talked her out of giving me one goddamned minute.

“It’s fine.” She patted his arm.

Our lawyers left the office. Within five seconds, I had Autumn in my arms and my mouth crushing hers. She whimpered but didn’t push me away. No, she kissed me back.

Her perfume tickled my nose. The mint on her tongue reminded me of every time we kissed before today. Autumn was addicted to Altoids. I was addicted to Autumn.

Our tongues curled together as I moved my hands up and down her back, then over her pert ass and squeezed it hard. She whimpered again, burying her fingers in my wavy brown hair. Her touch had my cock straining against my slacks with desperation. I’d missed her so fucking much.

If I could lock us away in this room and never let her walk out of it, I would. But all I could do was pray she’d stay. I wasn’t holding my breath, the way my heart raced. I knew she wouldn’t. The only thing to do was try to get my fill of her, but it would never be enough.

“Don’t do this, Boo. Don’t.”

“Don’t call me that. It’s done, Eli. We’re done.” Her words and actions didn’t match. She ground against me, nails pricking my scalp as she inhaled me. Her tongue slid across my lip, and I melted into her.

“We will never be done. You’re my wife. My Boo. You will always bemine.”

“The papers are signed, Eli. It’s over.” She put her hands on my chest and stepped out of my arms.

I sucked in a breath at the resolve in her voice. “I love you. That will never change.”

The grim expression on her face told me she was doubting her decision. “Maybe so. But love isn’t enough. We want different things. Now we’re free to get what we want.”

“Bullshit!” I stepped toward her and grabbed her arm, tugging her to me. “Don’t you dare have another man’s baby.” I choked out the words. The pain in my chest nearly made me double over. “Jesus Christ, don’t.”

“I’m not yours anymore. You don’t get a say.”

“You know that’s not true. I’m sorry, baby. Truly sorry.”

She kissed my cheek and stroked it gently. Her warm amber depths were filled with sadness and possibly regret. “I wish you well, Eli.” She opened the door.

