Page 43 of Effing Eli

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Eli, on the other hand, appeared to be in pain. He wasn’t a fan of people who talked a lot or who exaggerated everything, like Cindy.

I gave Eli’s knee a reassuring squeeze under the table, but he didn’t appear to appreciate it. Grumpy man. If we left soon, we could get back to the hotel so I could take him up to our room for a little making out. No sex. We didn’t have time for that. I only wanted to defuse him before he exploded. He had a short fuse with most people. I loved it. Watching him tear into someone excited me. I should feel bad for the one getting an ass-chewing, but they usually deserved it.

My phone chimed on the table, and I saw my mom’s name flash. Cindy continued naming the sights she wanted to see. Louis listened with enthusiasm. I thought he might like Cindy, though he had to be at least ten years older. Eli arched an irritated brow.

My mom, I mouthed, opening the text.

Mom: Hi honey. Hope all is well. When should we expect you?

Crap. My parents had no idea Eli had moved to California and was my new boss. She certainly didn’t know we were sort of back together.

“What does she want?”

I lifted my gaze to Eli. “To know when they should expect me.”Mebeing the keyword in the sentence. Not Eli and me. Just me.

Cindy suddenly stopped talking, which made it all the more awkward. Eli rarely lowered his voice, nor did he try to hide anything. Nothing fazed him, unlike me. I never wanted people knowing my business, so I didn’t bring my personal life to work. Lunch with the junior staff was work for me.

“Well, tomorrow we’re going to Uncle Loyd’s. And Friday evening we have plans, so tell her Thursday.”

“What do you mean we have plans Friday? We’re flying back to LA Friday afternoon.”

“We should go.” He stood from his chair and extended his hand toward me.

“Eli, what aren’t you telling me?”

He jerked his head toward the door. “Let’s go.”

Cindy and Louis collected their things and left as I stared at Eli.

“Autumn, we’ll talk about it back at the hotel. Come on.” He wiggled his fingers for me to take his hand. I exhaled and placed mine in his.

We didn’t speak along the way. The sounds of traffic and other noises would have drowned us out. I was okay. I wasn’t a loud talker, and I didn’t want to raise my voice to be heard.

I’d lost track of Cindy and Louis weaving through the crowds. Eli had me tucked into his side as he often did when we were walking the city streets. He was quite protective of me.

He opened the door to our suite, and I went in and set my bags on the small dining table. I shook my hands in front of me, trying to rid myself of the tension I suddenly felt.

“We’re back. Talk.”

Eli sighed and put his hands on my shoulders. “I canceled our return flight. We leave late Sunday.”

I pursed my lips together. “Why?”

“So we could enjoy ourselves here after the conference. I didn’t think you’d want to get home so soon.”

“Maybe I had plans in California.”

“Davina didn’t think you did.”

“Davina?” My cousin knew he’d changed my return flight and didn’t tell me?

“I wouldn’t have messed with our flight if you had something important to do.”

“So then why not just tell me?”

He shrugged with a guilty smirk. “I was trying to be romantic.”

All my tension melted away. This was exactly how Eli was when we were together. I’d adored his take-charge, get-shit-done attitude. He always took care of everything, including me.
