Page 6 of Fireman Fox

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“It’s not nice to gang up on me.” I tousled Billy’s blond hair.

He cackled and snorted. “Just tell us who you like best. Oh, oh… I know!” He bounced in his spot. “If you could marry one, who would it be? I know you love one of them.” Billy tossed his head back, laughing. “Or maybe you love the green guy.”

“You, little brother, are a brat.” I flicked the tip of his nose with my fingers.

Grayson’s arm stretched over the back of the sofa. He touched my hair, running his fingers through it. I’d left it down after my shower. Our eyes met as I inhaled a breath. What was he doing?

“Who do you love, Gillian? Inquiring minds want to know.” His thumb rubbed my temple as his long fingers massaged my scalp. It didn’t feel like he wanted to know about a Marvel character.

Billy tittered, covering his mouth with his hand. “Yeah. Tell us. Is it Captain America, because he always does the right thing, or Iron Man, the billionaire playboy?”

“Wow, when you put it like that, you make Iron Man sound like a bad boy.”

“Don’t you like bad boys?” Grayson tugged on my hair, a wicked curl to his full lips. Why was he screwing with me?

“I guess I would have to pick Captain America.” The parade of women Grayson brought around flashed in my head. Jealousy bloomed in my chest. “Womanizers aren’t my thing. Who wants another soda?” I swatted Grayson’s hand away.

“Me!” Billy handed over his empty can. He was too hyped up on junk food. When he finally crashed, he’d be down for the count.

I looked at Grayson expectantly. He looked pissed. Rather than acknowledge it, I went to the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. What was he doing? He was flirting, right? I didn’t imagine it. Shit, or did I? I squeezed my middle, feeling queasy and unsettled.

Grayson didn’t answer to me, nor did he owe me any kind of explanation regarding his manwhoring ways. He wasn’t mine.

I died a little, imagining him with Lord knew how many women. I’d fended off guys left and right for years. I didn’t want to give anyone my body except Grayson. Ever since I dreamed about my first sexual experience, it was him I imagined. Maybe I was just a fool.

“You okay?”

I lifted my gaze to his. “Yeah, just thinking.” I went to the fridge and took out a Sprite, though Billy didn’t need more sugar. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet for water.

Grayson stepped behind me as I filled my glass at the water dispenser in the refrigerator door.

I froze when his hands went to my waist. “Thinking about me and my womanizing ways?”

“Yes,” I blurted before I could stop myself. “Yes, I was.” I’d always been a straight shooter. Made no sense to stop now. “And why I’d…” I stopped myself from telling him that I’d saved myself for him.

“And what, sweetheart?” He squeezed my waist and turned me around to face him.

We were so close the warmth of his body engulfed mine. Our breath mingled. His cologne teased my nose. I’d throw my arms around his neck and press my lips to his if I didn’t think it would be weird. Or hella creepy.

“What’s happening between us, Grayson? You aren’t touching me like before. This feels… different.” I loved it, but I could totally be reading him wrong. I needed to know what he was thinking.

“Good different or bad different?” One of his hands brushed up my sides. “Do you want me to leave?” His thumb caressed my cheek.

I swallowed again as my pulse whooshed in my ears. I could hardly think, much less formulate a response.

“Maybe.” The single word fell from my lips. Shit. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t want him to leave. I was confused, needing reassurance that my imagination wasn’t short-circuiting. Thatthiswas real. I also needed to know that he didn’t want me to be the next notch on his bedpost. That he wanted more.

You’re an idiot, Gillian. Grayson’s a manwhore. A lifelong bachelor.

His hands jolted off me as if I burned them. He stepped back. “I’m sorry. I thought…” He scrubbed his palm across his face, seeming distressed. “I’ll go.”

Wait. What just happened? He didn’t give me a chance to explain.

“Grayson,” I called as I trotted after him, but I was too late. He slammed the door shut without a backward glance.

My heart seized in my chest.Don’t go…
