Page 5 of Fireman Fox

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Could she want me like I wanted her? Did our age difference bother her?

“Yes. You remembered.” Her radiant smile made my heart swell.

“I remember everything about you,” I told her honestly like a cheesy idiot.

“Really? I’m shocked.” She turned to go inside.

I grabbed her by the wrist. “Why are you shocked?”

She flicked her mesmerizing eyes to my hand. “Because I didn’t think you cared.” Her cheeks turned pink.

“I care.” It seemed I couldn’t keep my goddamn mouth shut with her. “I care a lot.”

“Because I’m family. Because I’m your best friend’s daughter. Because—”

“Because I care, Gillian. Not for any other reason than it’syou.”Jesus Christ, Fox. Shut the fuck up.

Confusion skirted across her face. Her brows knitted together as if trying to read my mind.

“I’ll be over in an hour.” I kissed her forehead like I had hundreds of times over the years. Except this time, I held my lips in place and inhaled her into my lungs.

A soft gasp left her lips. “Grayson.”

“I’ll be back.” I left with my heart pounding erratically.

What the fuck was I doing?



THE TENSION IN my dad’s living room could’ve been cut with a knife it was so thick. I was on one end of the brown leather sofa, and Grayson was on the other. Billy was between us, gleefully entranced with the Hulk.

Ignoring Grayson was impossible after what had happened earlier. When he arrived with the pizzas and snacks, he basically acted like I wasn’t even in the room. I couldn’t figure out what had changed in an hour. He’d been in my life for over a decade. Spent holidays with us. Hung out at our place when he wasn’t working. He was family. We were never weird with each other—until now.

For the last few hours, a fire smoldered in my belly—a mixture of desire and anger. If he was screwing with my emotions, it wouldn’t end well for Grayson. I’d call him out about it. Berate him for tempting me.

The kiss on my forehead threw me off. It wasn’t the first time Grayson had kissed me there or on the cheek. It just felt different this time. Intimate. Loving. So not platonic. Maybe I was making more out of it. Perhaps I’d read Grayson wrong.

When he told me he cared because it wasme,it put a flutter in my heart. Did he mean it as he cared about me in a more than friends sort of way? I was afraid to hope he meant it asmoreromantically. Terrified, really, at what would happen if my deepest, hidden desires came true.

What would it do to my dad, who loved Grayson like a brother and trusted him with his life? What would the crew at the station think? They were all like family, uncles and aunts to Billy and me. Their kids were like our cousins.

We were all just one big, happy family.

“Who do you think is the best? Iron Man or Captain America?” Billy shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth, eyes glittering my way. He always did this. It was like a game to him—sort of likethis or thatmemes on social media.

“Hmm, that’s a tough one. They’re both great.” I cut my eyes to Grayson. He stayed facing the flat-screen on the wall.

“Yeah, but you have to have a favorite.” Billy turned toward Grayson. “Right, Uncle Fox? She has to have a favorite superhero.”

Uncle Fox.If Grayson and I got together, it would be weird for Billy. Weird for everyone. Why was I so damn attracted to Grayson? How could I fall in love with a man twice my age?

Grayson looked sidelong at me. I couldn’t read his expression. “Come on, sweetheart, tell us who’s your favorite.” His voice dripped with amusement and sarcasm. He winked like a cocky asshole and munched on popcorn.

Instead of being turned off, I swallowed, biting my bottom lip. Calling me sweetheart wasn’t new. Only this time, desire coursed through my veins, heating me from the inside out. I smelled his sandalwood and musk cologne. His sexy scruff was sexier than ever. I burned with the need to feel his lips on mine.

I needed to get control of myself and fast, or I might jump Grayson’s bones right in front of my little brother.
