Page 8 of Fireman Fox

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Travis looked unconvinced. “He said you left in the middle ofThe Incredible Hulk. That’s not like you. Was Gillian a brat or something? I can talk to her.”

“No,” I blurted. My heart kicking up a notch. “I said—”

Travis waved me off. “I know what you said.” He scratched the back of his head. “I’m out. I’ll see you guys later.”

“Later,” Jared and I said at the same time.

He turned toward me with a curious glint in his eyes. “You left the kids because of a woman, didn’t you?” He wiggled his eyebrows like a dork.

“Fuck no.” I left the room.

Jared followed two steps behind me. “Oh, come on. You can brag. I miss your stories.”

I shook my head, grabbing the clipboard to get started on my checklist. Jared was the worst of them all, always up my ass about my hookups. I sensed he didn’t get it enough at home, but I never cared to ask.

“There wasn’t another woman.” I gritted my teeth.

“But there is someone, isn’t there?”

“Yes.” Goddamnit. I did not just admit there was a woman in my life. Fuck!

Jared snickered. “Knew it. Who is she?” He crept beside me, lowering his voice. “She’s hot, right? Big tits and a tight, round ass, right? I know your type. You go for the same kind of woman every time.”

I turned on him, snarling. “Shut it already. I’m not having this conversation with you.”

Jared backed away, his hands up in surrender. “Sorry.”

“Jerk,” I muttered under my breath. I went back to work in a worse mood than when I arrived. I wished Billy hadn’t told Travis about me leaving before the movie was over. Itwastotally out of character for me and might draw suspicion. If Gillian mentioned my inappropriate behavior—if she saw it as sexual harassment—I’d be fucked.

I better keep an eye out for a raging Travis. He wouldn’t call and ask me about it. He’d just come to the stationhouse and beat the shit out of me.

Why couldn’t I keep myself in check? How would I ever face her again? Guess I’d find out Saturday at the pancake fundraiser.



IT’D BEEN FOUR days since I last saw Grayson. I was going nuts, feeling wholly depressed over what happened Saturday night. My dad questioned me a few different times because my bratty little brother had told him Grayson and I had an argument. I couldn’t believe he’d done that.

Today, my dad and Laura took Billy to the San Diego Zoo, an all-day excursion because Billy was a huge animal lover. When I had declined, Dad had seemed suspicious.

I’d been sitting in my room for the last hour, fighting the urge to text Grayson. I desperately wanted to call him, to fix what I’d broken between us. He was off today. Probably sleeping.

Gah! I paced in my bedroom.

Just do it. Text him and apologize. Do something!

I dropped onto my bed and grabbed my cell phone off the nightstand. I opened my messages and stared at Grayson’s name. The last text I’d sent him was last summer on the day I left for college. He was working and couldn’t see me off. Not that I expected him to after the going away barbecue my dad had thrown for me the previous weekend. Still, I’d wished I got to see him one last time. Like a silly schoolgirl crushing on her teacher, I’d messaged him saying,Just wanted to say, take care.It was ridiculous. He’d only replied with a thumbs-up emoji. It made me feel even dumber for texting him in the first place.

Here I was about to make a fool of myself again. Why couldn’t I just leave it alone? Why couldn’t I let Grayson go? Duh, because I loved him.

Here goes nothing…My thumbs tapped on the screen rapidly. Then I deleted it all. After three drafts, I finally pushed send and held my breath.

Gillian: I didn’t want you to leave Saturday night. I’m sorry for making it weird.

I didn’t expect a reply. Not really. I figured Grayson was sleeping, like my dad would’ve been. I just hoped he’d reply after he woke. I was surprised when my phone chimed not a minute later.

Grayson: Doesn’t matter. I crossed the line.
