Page 59 of His Forever Girl

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After getting the details on practice times and game schedules, Tess and Graham headed toward the parking lot. Emily skipped between them, smiling, rambling on about school and someone named Jillian who got in trouble for chewing gum and bringing in her iPhone. The intimacy of the moment struck Tess and she felt odd being a part of something that was very much “family” in nature, but at the same time, she liked being part of Graham and Emily.


When they reached her car, Graham took her elbow and turned her to him. “Thank you, Tess.”

The warmth of his hand on her arm, the way his gaze caressed her made her body warm. Unconsciously she leaned toward him. Or maybe she was conscious of wanting to be closer to him. “Uh, you’re welcome. I wanted to do it for Emily.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “Just for Emily, huh?”

And for you. So I can be close to you if only for an hour.

But she didn’t say that. The awareness pulsed between them—it always did. Tess wanted Graham. She needed to feel his arms around her again. She craved him with a “what the hell” abandonment the way she craved chocolate when she had PMS. Maybe one kiss?

And in his eyes she saw he wanted the same thing—his lips, her lips, hot, wet, fulfilling.

“Tess,” he breathed, lifting his hand, reaching for her jaw.

“No,” she said, finding her resolve and stepping back. “We can’t.”


“Because we’re in a parking lot… with your daughter.”

Graham shook his head. “Jesus, I think about you all the time. I’m starting to think you’re a disease.”

“Just what every woman wants to be called,” Tess murmured, trying to pretend his words didn’t swat at the resolve she’d shoved in front of raw desire seconds ago.

“You know what I mean,” he said.

“We said all that needed to be said Sunday.” Way to remind him how much you needed him a few days ago.

“I’m not giving up,” he said, shifting his gaze over to where Emily balanced on a low bar in the jogging park workout area.

“It can’t work. Things are too complicated—I can barely tread water right now, barely stay afloat. No way in hell can I fight against the waves for something we can never go back and capture.” She closed her eyes briefly, trying to convince herself as much as Graham. “We’re a missed opportunity. It’s not going to work no matter how much we wish differently. I just—”

“Why? Because of Monique and Upstart? Because I didn’t call? Or is it because your father thought I would be a good fit to run Ullo?”

She jerked because his words were a slap of reality.

“Actually, that’s it exactly. There’s too much between us.” She scooted back, bumping into her car. “It’s best we remain exactly what we are.”

“Which is?”

“I can’t even begin to put a name to it.” She unlocked her car, gave Emily a wave, and slid into her car. Like a frightened bunny, she scurried away from the want, the hunger—the fact she wanted her words to be a lie.

But they weren’t.

Graham didn’t make sense.

She caught sight of Emily holding his hand as they made their way toward his car, and her heart shattered into small pieces.

As she pulled out onto the highway, her phone rang.

Caller ID showed it was her ex-boyfriend Nick.

Maybe that’s what she needed—a distraction. Nick had always been her favorite distraction. Handsome, wealthy, spoiled, and always ready for a good time, he was the perfect someone to occupy her time, to pull her away from all thoughts of Graham. Picking up the phone, she pressed the answer button. “What’s up, Nicky?”

THEDAYAFTERsoccer practice, Graham trudged into the office, cursing the key that always stuck in his office door. He flipped on the lights, glad he was the first one at the office. Somehow the stillness of the warehouse comforted him. In the small quiet of the morning he felt he could accomplish anything.
