Page 28 of Red Wine and Roses

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“I don’t think I can.”

Her body belied her words as he positioned himself between her legs. Her nipples stiffened, and her hands reached for him of their own accord.

“You can,” he reassured her with a confident smile. “When you reach the point where you think you’ve got nothing left, that’s when you find out how good it can be.”

She raised an eyebrow as he lowered himself onto her. “I already found out how good it can be.”

He shook his head. “It’s about to get better.”

She let out a little moan and clung to his shoulders as he spread her legs with his knees. “It gets better than that?”

He nodded. “Are you ready?” She ran her tongue over her bottom lip and closed her eyes. He lowered his head and nipped her lip making her open them again. “Are you ready?”


He thrust his hips, and she screamed as he entered her. He was so hot and hard. “Yes!” his cry mingled with hers as they moved together.

She’d never known a lover like this. He carried her away, just when she’d thought she couldn’t anymore, he proved to her that—like he’d said—she found out how good it could be. His big strong body moved above her, moved inside her. He made her feel that he was taking her for his pleasure, but at the same time, giving her more pleasure than she’d known was possible to feel. Their bodies fit together perfectly. They moved as if they knew each other’s rhythm and always had. Just when she knew she was approaching the point of no return, he gasped her name and tensed. It took her over the edge with him, and they soared away to the far reaches of her mind and soul and back again. Wow!

They lay still for a long time afterward—his head on her shoulder, her staring up at the stars above him. She was afraid that when they broke the silence, when the words came back, the magic would be gone. It’d turn out that she’d only imagined their amazing connection, and worse, it’d turn out that he was the player he’d warned her about, and that he’d be ready to turn around and walk away.

When he finally lifted his head, he smiled down at her. “Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah!” She couldn’t help grinning. “Are you?” Her grin faded when he shook his head. “What’s wrong?”

He laughed. “Nothing, nothing’s wrong at all. I just meant I’m so much more than okay. I’m happy.”

She sat up, almost knocking him off the lounger. “You are?” she asked incredulously.

“I am. He put his arm around her shoulders. Only one thing could make me happier.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” She was waiting for it all to come crashing down around her.

“If you’ll come back with me, spend the night?”


“Yeah.” He hugged her into his side and dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Seriously. That would make me very happy, but only if you want to. Do you?”

“Yes, I do.”

~ ~ ~

They made it back to the lodge and up to his room without running into anyone. At this point, Cameron wasn’t too worried if they did. At least, not for his sake. His parents had seen him with Piper, and at different points, they’d each told him how much they liked her. Chelsea, his sister, seemed to know that there was something between them, and he knew she liked Piper, too. He hoped Piper wouldn’t mind if someone saw them together. It was different for her; she’d just moved here.

He opened the door and let her go in ahead of him. Once they were inside, she turned back to him looking nervous. “Are you one of those insatiable guys who just wants more and more and more? I think I might disappoint you if you are.”

He went to her and put his arm around her shoulders, wanting to reassure her that wasn’t why he’d asked her back here. “No. I’m not. I can maybe manage again at some point, later, if that’s what you want, but that’s not why I asked you back here.”

“Why did you then?”

He cocked his head to one side. “Why wouldn’t I? We’re just getting to know each other, I want to spend some time with you.” He smiled, wondering whether he should admit this. “I’d like you to spend the night. Sleep with me.”

She gave him a puzzled look. “I thought you slept with people all the time.”

He sighed. She really had taken what he’d said about being a womanizer to heart. “No.” He hated to spell it out, but he felt he needed to. “I have sex with a lot of women. I rarely ever sleep with anyone. There’s a big difference—in my mind, at least.”

She stared at him for a long time. For a moment, he thought she was about to leave, but he waited, and eventually, she relaxed and smiled. “I think there’s a big difference, too. And I’d like to sleep with you.” Her eyes sparkled, and she gave him that mischievous smile. “I liked having sex with you, too.”
