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Chelsea nodded. “It does, doesn’t it? I didn’t expect there to be this many people.” She looked at all the cars parked in the driveway and spilling over onto the grass beside the garage. She sucked in a deep breath when she spotted Grant’s rental car.

Mary Ellen followed her gaze. “Ah. I didn’t know he was coming.” She grinned. “And, judging by the look on your face, neither did you.”

“I didn’t.”

“Since I’m such a good friend, I’m not going to start teasing you—yet. But consider yourself warned. One more word about Antonio and I’ll return the favor.”

Chelsea made a face.

“What? You can dish it out, but you can’t take it?”

Chelsea shrugged. “I guess, sorry. But it’s different. You insist that you don’t really like Antonio. I admit that I do like Grant, but it’s too complicated.”

Mary Ellen leaned closer and looked into her eyes. “Why? It doesn’t have to be.”

Chelsea blew out a sigh. Was Mary Ellen right? Was she making it too complicated? “I don’t know, but we probably shouldn’t sit here talking about it. It looks like we’re the last to arrive anyway. Come on.” She opened the car door and let herself out, wondering as she did whether it really was so complicated. If she waited until Grant was finished at Zosca, then what would be the problem if they wanted to see each other?

She went around to the back seat to get the trays of cupcakes she’d made. Mary Ellen came to help, and once they were both loaded up with two trays each, they set out for the house.

The yard was filled with people. Chelsea scanned the crowd—she knew them all. People from Zosca, people from the Hamilton-Groves offices. Her parents were sitting on a rattan sofa chatting with Gene’s wife, Rita. Cam and Piper were standing talking with Laura. She smiled at the sight of Smoke and Gene, deep in conversation over by the grill. She’d put money on them talking about planes and flying. She kept scanning. There he was. As if he felt her gaze on him, Grant looked up and smiled. Butterflies swirled in her stomach as she smiled back. Was Mary Ellen right? Could it really be so straightforward? She liked him, and she was fairly certain he liked her. Why not?

Chapter Thirteen

Grant watched Chelsea make her way up the drive. She looked gorgeous, as always. She was wearing a strappy summer dress. He couldn’t help letting his gaze rest on her bare shoulders or sliding down over her full breasts and narrow waist. The dress was short, leaving her tanned legs on display for him. Damn. The things she did to him.

“Hey!” He jumped as someone dug him in the ribs. “Stop it.”

Grant spun around. Antonio sounded mad, but Grant was relieved to see him smiling. “You shouldn’t be watching, you should be trotting over there, offering to help her with those trays.”

“Come on, then. You can help Mary Ellen.”

Antonio shook his head rapidly. “Do I have to?”

Grant laughed. “Yes. Come on.” He looked at Antonio as they went to meet the girls who were now halfway up the drive. “You don’t like Mary Ellen? I didn’t think there was a woman on earth you wouldn’t rush to help.”

Antonio made a face. “Of course, I like Mary Ellen. Look at her! Look at the rack, look at the ass.” He blew out a sigh. “Look at her face and her long blonde hair. What’s not to like?”

Grant shrugged. “You tell me. There’s obviously something that puts you off.”

Antonio gave him a sheepish grin. “You promise not to tell anyone?”

Grant chuckled. “I promise.”

“Okay. She scares me shitless.”

Grant laughed out loud at that. “She does? Why? I think she’s awesome.”

“Oh, she’s awesome all right. She’s amazing.” Antonio smiled as he looked at her again, then he shook his head. “But she’s too … too … real! That’s the word for her. She’s smart and practical and down to earth.” He gave Grant a helpless look. “I just get the feeling she wouldn’t stand for my bullshit.”

Grant laughed. “You might have a point there.”

They’d almost met the girls now, and Antonio spoke in a lower voice. “Do me a favor and remind me of that if I’m ever tempted?”

Grant chuckled but didn’t reply. Instead, he spoke to Chelsea. “Hi. Do you need a hand with those?”

“Please.” She thrust a tray at him, and he grabbed it. “Thanks. I thought I was about to drop one. You’re a lifesaver.” She adjusted her grip on the other one.

“Do you … can I …?” Antonio held his hands out to Mary Ellen, but she shook her head.
