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Jacob rolled his eyes at her. “Just because you’ve found the guy you want to settle down with, don’t get carried away. I don’t think they need to live in the same place for what they want to do. Anyway, I’m going.”

Hannah made a face at him. “So that you can call Becca again?”

He shrugged. “See you tomorrow.”

After he’d gone, Grady went to Hannah and wrapped his arms around her. She pressed herself against him and looked up into his eyes. “I’m glad we live in the same place.”

He chuckled. “I am too, now. But if you remember, when we first met, neither of us was too thrilled about it.”

She laughed and pushed at his shoulder. “You even invented a wife to get rid of me.”

“No. You assumed that all by yourself.” His heart started to pound. Was this it; should he ask her?

No. She was tugging on his hand, leading him toward the bedroom. Soon, but not yet. He drew her back to him and then bent down, hooking his arm behind her knees, and picking her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“I’m so glad you weren’t married.”

He chuckled as he closed the bedroom door behind them as quietly as he could with his heel. “Yeah, me too. And when I met you, I didn’t think I’d ever be.”

She looked up into his eyes. Was she expecting it? Was she waiting for him to ask? Maybe this was the moment. He set her down on the bed and felt in his pocket for the ring box. But then the door burst open, and Scooter came trotting in.

He had to laugh. Hannah met his gaze. Shewaswaiting for it, he could tell. Maybe tomorrow he’d find the perfect moment.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Hannah opened her eyes and smiled. Christmas morning. The first Christmas she’d looked forward to in years. She nestled back against Grady and his arm tightened around her. Then his lips brushed across the back of her neck, sending ripples of desire through her. She’d love to start the day that way, but it wouldn’t be the wisest move. She doubted that Ava would sleep in too long.

Still, she pressed back into him, loving the feel of his hot, hard cock against her ass. “We shouldn’t, you know Ava’s going to be up and excited soon.”

She felt, rather than heard, him chuckle. “I’m up and excited right now. But you’re right. That’s one Christmas present I’ll have to save until tonight.”

She rolled over to face him and pecked his lips. “The same one you gave me last night?”

“Uh-huh.” He curled his arm around her and drew her closer. “And the night before.”

She laughed. “You mean the one that Scooter kept interrupting when we came home from Muse?”

“Yep. Little pest! He interrupted something else, too.”

“He did?”

Grady looked wide awake now and he was sitting up. “Hold that thought; don’t go anywhere, okay?”

“Okay, but where are you …?”

He’d picked his pants up off the floor and was going through the pockets. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here.” He came around to her side of the bed with something in his hand.

She smiled. “Is that a Christmas present?”

“Yeah.” He was still smiling, but his eyes were serious now. “It’s a Christmas gift, and I’m hoping that it might be something more than that, too. But it’s up to you, Hannah.”

“What are you saying? You’re starting to worry me.”

“No!” He took hold of her hand and dropped down on one knee beside the bed.

Her heart was pounding as she scrambled to sit up so that she could see him properly. Was he …? He was!

“Hannah. You know I love you. I didn’t know I was cut out for marriage. I didn’t think I wanted to be, not until I met you. But you … you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and to Ava. I told Molly once that I knew that her soul had found its twin in Marcos. I know that mine has found its twin in you. I … I know it’s probably too soon … but I’ll wait forever if you need me to. There’s never been anyone else for me, and there never will be. I know I’m not the greatest catch in some ways. I can’t give you the life you’re used to. But I can give you the kind of life you want. I can give you all the love you’ll ever need, and I know that between us we can build a family, with Ava and with babies of our own. Shit. I’m talking too much. All I’m trying to say is; whenever you’re ready, will you marry me? If it’s too soon …”
