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“What’s the matter?”

“Sorry. I’m going to have to go. My mom’s coming down.”

“Okay. I’ll let you go.”

“Thanks, Jacob. Thanks for calling.”

That made him smile. He couldn’t remember a woman thanking him for calling her before. “Thanks for talking to me. Can I call you again?”


“Okay. Goodnight, Becca.”


After he ended the call, he took a drink of his Cognac – and realized that his cheeks were aching from smiling again.

~ ~ ~

“Sorry, love. I thought you’d gone to bed. I came down to see what the noise was. I didn’t know you were on the phone.”

“No! I’m sorry, Mom. I was trying to keep it down.”

“You weren’t making much noise.” Her mom smiled. “It’s just that I’ve grown so used to the silence since you all left home. I’d have to come down and check if I heard a mouse fart.”

Becca laughed. “I think I was a bit louder than that.”

“Yeah. And by the smile on your face, I’d say it was a boy you were talking to?”

Becca shook her head slowly. “He’s not a boy, Mom. He’s a man.”

Her mom frowned. “How old is he?”


She relaxed when her mom waved a hand at her. “That’s nothing. He’s not old, and there’s not much difference between you. And judging by the look on your face, you like him a lot. So, I’ll butt out and take myself back to bed. And you can tell me all about him when you’re good and ready.”

“Thanks, Mom. You’re the best. I love you.”

“Love you more, Becs. Goodnight.”


She sat there for a few minutes after her mom went back upstairs. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Jacob was so sweet! And he didn’t even know it. She couldn’t wait to go back to Napa and see him again.

Chapter Six

Becca covered her face and yawned into her hands. She was exhausted, and even when she got off the plane, it’d be another few hours before she got home.

As the plane taxied to the gate, she turned her phone back on. She’d promised her folks that she’d let them know when she landed safely – for the third time today. That was the trouble with living in Dodge City, Kansas; it was almost guaranteed that flying anywhere would mean changing planes twice. Today had been no different.

She was tempted to wait and text them from the bus on the way out to the parking lot – that would buy her more time to drive home before they started worrying again. But she knew that they followed her flights on the flight tracker app. They’d be able to see that she’d landed.

She tapped out a quick message to tell them she’d give them a quick call when she got home – but not to worry if it took a while. It was five in the afternoon, and the traffic was going to be horrendous.

She was about to slip her phone back into her purse when it buzzed with an incoming text. That was quick.

She grinned when she saw the name on the display. It wasn’t her folks. It was Jacob!
