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“Sorry. I’ll stop.” He couldn’t help smiling when she pressed herself against him.

“Don’t you dare.”

His hand continued its path up and down her spine without a pause. “Okay. If you insist.”

He closed his eyes when she pressed her lips to his neck. “Thank you.” Shivers ran down his spine when she nuzzled under his ear and her hand slid around to grasp his ass.

“Have I told you how amazing your ass is?”

His smile grew bigger. “You have.” She told him all the time how much she loved his ass. She even made good on her threat to bite it whenever she got the chance. That was a new one on him, but he wouldn’t deny that he loved it.

He closed his eyes when she started kneading it, then her hand came back around and slid in between them. He’d woken up hard for her – just as he did every morning. The feel of her fingers curling around him made him ache and throb in her hand.

“This guy’s amazing, too.”

He could only nod as she worked her hand up and down his length.

“Maybe I should bite him, too?”

He swallowed. “I don’t know about biting …”

She was already wriggling down the bed. He closed his eyes when she disappeared under the duvet. Then she kissed him – just the very tip – and he felt like a kid who couldn’t control himself. He tried to haul her back up the bed, afraid that he’d let himself go if she …

She’d joked several times that she was stronger than she looked – that Kansas farm kids always were – and she proved herself right as she resisted.

“I’ll be with you soon. I just have something to take care of down here.”

He closed his eyes and gave in when her hot, wet mouth closed over him.

“Becca,” he breathed.

She didn’t answer. She was too busy bobbing her head, driving him crazy as she sucked and licked and swirled her tongue over him.

He twisted his fingers in her hair and let her take him, rocking his hips in time with her. Then she cupped her hand around his balls, and he let out a moan. She’d take him over the edge in no time if she kept that up.

He reluctantly tightened his grip in her hair and pulled her head back. He almost lost control when she looked up at him and ran her tongue over him one last time. “You don’t like it?”

He let out a strangled laugh. “I like it. But I’m going to like it a little too much a little too soon if you keep it up.”

His heart clenched in his chest when she smiled. She looked so damned pleased with herself as she tightened her fingers around him. “I want you to come for me.”

He gritted his teeth. “I will. But I want to come inside you.”

Her cheeks flushed. He loved that even after all the times they’d made love, her cheeks turned pink whenever he said that. He found himself saying it as often as he could just to see her reaction.

He reached into the drawer on the nightstand for a condom, and as he rolled it on, he couldn’t help wishing that he didn’t have to use it. He hated the things. They were a necessary evil, or they had been, for someone who lived the way he used to, but now … now that he was with Becca and if he got his way, they would be each other’s only sexual partners going forward …

She gave him a puzzled look. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, Becca. I just …” He gave her a rueful smile. “I was wishing we didn’t need this thing.”

She trailed her finger up the length of him, sending a shiver down his spine. “I do, too.” Her eyes were huge when they met his. “I’ve never done that.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

She laughed. “My parents taught all of us – boys and girls, that we should take the belt and suspenders approach to sex. One form of contraceptive for … contraception and another for protection from … any nasty diseases.”

Jacob swallowed again. “Does that mean that you still use both?”
