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He held her gaze for a long moment, his eyes a deep, intense blue. “I trust you, too.”

“Are we good, then?” she asked after another few moments. He was still looking into her eyes. And she was starting to wonder if he’d rather wear it.

He reached up and mirrored her actions, holding her face between his hands. “We’re better than good, Lizzie.”

He came closer and brushed his lips over hers in a barely there caress. She let out a little sigh. “You’re right, we’re so much more than good.”

He leaned back and smiled. “And now, I’m going to make you feel so much more than good.”

Before she realized what he was doing, he’d dropped to his knees before her. His hands stroked up her inner thighs, and when they reached the top, he used his thumbs to open her, and then …

Then, she collapsed back against the desk as he began to work her with his lips and tongue. She grabbed desperately at the edge of the desk, moaning his name when he closed his lips around her clit and sucked.

Then, he was resting two fingers at her entrance while his tongue lashed at the sensitive bundle of nerves.

“Lee!” she cried when he pressed inside.

“Give it to me, Lizzie.”

And she did. It seemed that when it came to him, she had no shame. Within moments her orgasm crashed over her, and she could feel herself gripping his fingers tightly. Her hips rose from the desk as he licked and sucked, making her squirm beneath him.

He brought her down gently, and slowly withdrew his fingers. But then, he was on his feet, he was right there, standing between her legs with one hand on her hip. His other hand closed around his angry-looking cock.

She stifled a giggle and regretted it as soon as Bentley paused with a concerned look on his face.

“Don’t you dare stop now! You have to know damn well that I wasn’t laughing at you. I was laughing at my own stupid thoughts. He …” She reached for him and circled the tip of her finger around his sensitive head, loving the way Bentley’s eyelids drooped as she did.

“He’s all ready for action, and the first word that came to mind was that he looked angry, standing to attention like that and ready to go into battle. It just struck me as funny that I’d be angry if I’d been left out of that last orgasm, too.”

She pulled him closer. “But I should stop talking so that he gets his turn now.”

“I’m not about us taking turns, Lizzie. Whatever we do it’s for both of us.” He gripped her hip with one hand as he positioned himself at her entrance with the other. “And between you and me, it’ll never be a battle.”

She smiled up at him and nodded. “I like the sound of that, and if ever there are any battles, we’ll go into them together.” She winked at him. “Now, fuck me on the desk, would you?”

His fingers dug into her hip as he gripped her hard and thrust deep. Their moans mingled into one sound, and that felt right to Alyssa – it felt right because it felt like their bodies were melting into one being.

There wasn’t much that she could do from her back on the desk, but she clung to his wrists as his hips pistoned, driving in and out in a rhythm that she knew she wouldn’t be able to withstand for long.

He slid his hands under her butt and lifted her, and that drove her wild. With every thrust he hit her at just the right angle, the base of him rubbing against her clit, carrying her higher and higher.

She curled her legs around his waist and clamped him to her. “Lee! I’m going to …”

He smiled down at her and moved faster, bringing his thumb up to touch her in a place that they both knew would spark her orgasm.

She shook her head rapidly and held her arms up to him. It was sexy as hell to see him standing over her like that, but what she really wanted now, was to feel him against her. He bent over her and propped his weight on his elbows as she wrapped her arms around him.

He was still thrusting, deeper and harder, and there was nothing that she could do.

“Oh my God, Lee! Yes!”

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her, carrying her higher and higher until she felt as though she might dissolve. But he pinned her in reality with one last hard thrust. He held deep and let go. She felt it so differently, with no condom between them. He felt so much hotter, so much harder, and she felt even more deeply connected to him as they carried each other away.

When he finally slumped down, he pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. “Wow!”

She chuckled. “You can say that again.”

“I could, but there’s something else I want to say … Something more important.”
