Page 26 of His Taken Bride

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The flood of emotions that hit her when she entered his house was indescribable. She had been here once. Not only in the downstairs area but upstairs in his bedroom as well. That night she could have been a piece of furniture for all Parker knew.

The butler, a friendly-faced man called Guise, greeted them, and was immediately dismissed when Parker said they didn’t need anything.

Parker then led her upstairs and Everleigh thought she was going to melt out of her skin when her gaze made contact with the closet, she had been hiding in that night three years ago, ogling a very naked Parker Knight without his knowledge.

Talk about returning to the scene of the crime.She tried her hardest to be normal. But in doing so, she realized she achieved the direct opposite.

Thankfully, Parker seemed distracted himself by something that had just come up for him. She could hear snippets of his conversation on his cell about some crisis she didn’t fully understand.

When he closed the door behind him and left her alone in the room, she sighed in relief for the moment of peace.

It was already after midnight. She wasn’t going anywhere just yet and she was too tired to outthink him and end their marriage.

Suddenly exhausted, her emotions had taken a real battering recently, she wanted nothing more than to sleep. She had come full circle. This had been the very room that she had spied on Parker while he had been naked and now, she was here again. Was this her punishment?

She took a quick shower in his luxurious bathroom, slipped into a pair of pajamas climbed into his bed. Her eyes fluttered closed as the scent of the room; Parker’s scent lulled her to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning it was to find the bed empty. Parker hadn’t even slept in it at all.

She hated that it stung a little when he went on about her sleeping in his bed and no one else’s yet he himself was absent. What was wrong with her?

She brushed it aside. She had other things to take care of. The first was to call her father. She had to let him know it was okay, she was okay because she still didn’t want him worrying about her. She called her friends directly afterward, and that conversation took over two hours to get through with her explaining what had happened to her. To say they were in awe put it mildly.

Next, she needed to get to her bakery. She might as well since she was no longer on holiday. She had left her bakery in the very capable hands of her assistant Merry, but Everleigh was eager to get back to it. Nothing helped her keep track of her emotions, more than baking. God knows she needed to bake something immediately.

She usually wore jeans and a t-shirt, but since all she had with her were summer dresses, she chose her most modest one, grabbed her bag after she finished dressing, and made her way downstairs.

Guise was there to greet her and directed her to the dining room for breakfast. She could do with a cup of coffee while she waited for her Uber.

She was in the middle of taking a sip of the delicious brew, forcing herself not to be tempted by the breakfast feast before her when Parker slid into the room.

Immaculately dressed as always, she had to stop herself from ogling him yet again. She was such a freaking pervert. What was wrong with her?

“Going somewhere?” he asked, his attention on her bag still slung over her shoulder.

“Yes. To my bakery. I might as well continue working.”


“No? What do you mean?” Cold dread iced her veins. Was he going to take her bakery away from her?

“Not until my men have scoped the area.”

“I still don’t understand what you mean.”

“You’re my wife, Everleigh. I need to mark my presence everywhere you go, so no man will ever think of touching you.”

Her mouth fell open.

“I didn’t sign up for this.”

“You don’t have a choice. This is Ike and Khai. When you’re not with me. they’ll be your personal bodyguards. Everywhere you go they go.”

Everleigh barely noticed the two burly men who entered the dining room on cue. She couldn’t believe her ears. Parker Knight had in fact rendered her speechless.

“We’re having dinner with my brothers. Be ready at seven tonight.”

More orders?
