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“Tell me,” I say, “how long have you been planning this trip and do my parents know?”

“W-what?” The tautness of desire in his expression dims somewhat as he gapes at me in surprise. “Parents? Not now. Later.” Royce pushes my head down, and I giggle around his hard shaft, deeply amused that I’ve broken his control.

“Always the funny one,” he growls as I get back into the rhythm.

I don’t answer. How can I with my mouth so full? I don’t worry about it. I continue to suck him in the manner in which he taught me oh so long ago.

And just like bike I used to ride, I’ve never forgotten how.

“Stop Sin, unless you want me blowing a heavy load down that throat of yours.”

There is nothing I would like better at the moment… except for him inside me.

That wins out. Every time.

Reluctantly, I release him with a plop then sit back on my heels. “You’d better wear something. I’m ovulating. That’s why my dress malfunctioned.”

I had to give up the pill a few months ago. It played havoc with my moods and my body. No big deal when we were only having sex once a week. Back at our own place and married to boot, things have to change or we’ll have little ones running around. We’ve talked about kids, but only in passing. All I know is that I’m ready to be a parent if he is.

Apparently not, as he glosses through the subject of children by exploring another.

He pinches a nipple and asks over my yelp, “So, your tits tore through the material, huh?”

“Yessss,” I hiss like a snake in the hot sun as Royce rolls my bud between his fingers. He never fails to apply just the right amount of painful pressure that crosses my eyes. “They did.”

“They looked so juicy in that gown of yours, I ached to taste them.”

His mouth is hot against the flesh that he sucks and laves and bites until I’m in a frenzy, forgetting everything except how he is making me feel. And when the head of his cock knocks at my entrance as if it is begging to come inside, I grant him entry by spreading my legs Royce-size-wide.

My husband surges forward, stretching me beyond capacity, our mutual groans swallowed by a kiss that flips my insides and turns them upside down…

He breaks it to breathe into my ear as he rides me hard. “I won’t last long. Not like this. Not right now.”

“Please…” It’s the only word I can utter before the blast of my orgasm hits me dead center, fanning out faster than a mushroom cloud. Muscles in my stomach I didn’t know I had, tighten as my walls clamp down, pulsating with a sensation so fierce my body quakes.


And he’s coming, his thrusts so deep, his cock hits parts of me it never has before…

His hazel eyes, blazing like lasers, connect with mine. All that we are to each other passes between us without words, but through the electric sensations where we are joined together.

As husband and wife.

Later, when our breathing returns to normal, and our faces have cooled from our flushes, he says, “If something were to happen… you would be okay with it, right?”

I lift from his chest to meet his eyes, not interested in acting like I misunderstood him. Not with this subject. It is way too important. “You mean…kids?”

He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. Just as I predicted, the strands had come loose to drape over us like a curtain. “Yep. I mean kids.”

“Just to be clear, you do want them.”

His grin is that of a person making a life altering decision in the dead of night. “Yes, I do. I also want to adopt an older child. Lord knows there are many that need a good home.”

“I can agree with that.”

I stay silent as the love I have for this man swells my heart. All that he has been through has only built him up instead of breaking him. It boggles my mind that this… this miracle man loves me.

He will also love our children.

And if the going ever gets rough, we will face any obstacles life has to offer. Together.

I move from him and lay on my back, covering my eyes with an arm so he doesn’t see my tears. My happy tears. “I love you. You know that?”

He moves my arm and kisses my tears away, his words as soft and tender as he is, “I love you too, Sin. So damn much.”

I wiggle from his hold, loop my arms around his neck, and pull him close. “Then show me.”

His laugh, rich and deep, is oh, so wicked as his lips close around mine…
