Page 53 of A Winter Wish

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‘Okay.’ He disappears. But a moment later, he’s back.

‘Lois says she’d probably choke,’ he announces calmly. ‘Can I have extra cheese on the top, please?’


The following lunchtime, Bertie and I have just returned from a Saturday morning swim at the local baths, when Rory arrives.

‘Hi, there.’ I notice immediately that something’s wrong. ‘Are you okay? Come in.’

He smiles grimly. ‘I’ve had better days, Clara. My...’ He breaks off, running a hand wearily through his hair. ‘Listen, I’d better... is Lois upstairs?’

‘Yes, yes. She’s in her room. Go on up.’

I stand in the kitchen, listening to his footsteps on the stairs, my mind in overdrive.

What on earth has happened now?

Has Lois done something to upset him? Rory’s always so patient with her. But perhaps he’s finally reached his limit with her?

But if their relationship is on the rocks, it’ll be me who has to cope with Lois, which isn’t a pretty thought. I slump down at the table, a mix of emotions tumbling through me.

Feeling about Rory the way I do, I can’t deny it would be a relief not to have to see him with Lois all the time, wrapped around each other and all loved up. (Not that there’s been much of that lately, since Lois had her accident.) But on the other hand, I know Lois will be absolutely devastated if they split up and that fills me with sadness.

As for the little voice in my head that’s struggling to be heard–maybe if they split, there’ll be a chance for me at last– I do my very best to ignore it, resorting to stacking the dishwasher while humming the funeral march, in order to damp down any rogue excitement.

‘Why the dirge?’

I spin round and Rory’s standing there.

‘Oh. Hi. I’m not sure. You know how a tune gets in your head.’

‘Yes, I’ve always found the funeral march very catchy,’ he says solemnly, his eyes twinkling.

I smile. ‘So what’s going on?’

His good humour vanishes. ‘It’s not great news, I’m afraid,’ he says, sinking down onto a chair.


Oh, hell, they’ve split up. I knew it. Lois will be devastated.

He sighs. ‘I must admit, I feel utterly crushed.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’He’s bound to feel bad. Even if you’re the one ending the relationship, it still feels horrible.

‘I’ve been gazumped.’

‘What?’ For a moment, I can’t quite comprehend what he’s saying because I was expecting something entirely different. ‘Gazumped? Oh, you mean the stables? Oh, no! Rory, that’s awful.’

He nods gloomily. ‘Just heard. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. Still can’t.’ He goes to the window and stands there, looking out. Then he turns, leaning back against the sill and folding his arms. ‘I’d already started refurbishing the old farmhouse in my head. More fool me.’

He looks so down, I want to go over and hug him, and for once, I don’t bother examining my motives. I act on instinct. Rory needs comfort and I’m here to provide it. ‘I’m so sorry. You must be gutted,’ I tell him, and when I wrap my arms around him, his surprise is quickly replaced with a grateful response and he hugs me back tightly.

‘Oh, Clara,’ he groans. ‘What a bloody idiot I am.’

‘No, you’re not.’

‘The property isn’t yours until you’ve exchanged contracts. I conveniently forgot all that when I was refitting the stables in my mind.’ He pulls away so he can smile ruefully at me, but he keeps his arms loosely around me.
