Page 54 of A Winter Wish

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I shrug. ‘So you were jumping ahead of yourself. Who can blame you? I’d have been exactly the same.’

‘Thank you, Clara.’ There’s a wistful look in his eyes as he gazes down at me.

‘What for?’ I laugh in surprise.

‘I don’t know. For the wise words. For the hug. For just being you...’

Time seems to stand still as I stare at him wordlessly for a moment, feeling so conflicted. Being in Rory’s arms like this feels so natural– and yet it’s not natural at all because he’s my sister’s boyfriend!

I pull away from him. And at the same time, something makes me glance towards the window, and there’s Shaun on the other side of the glass. He’s obviously seen us, standing by the window, and when I smile at him, he waves and indicates the front door.

I stick up a thumb and go to let him in.

‘Hi! Great to see you.’ I usher him in, and he apologises for turning up unannounced.

‘I’ve just accepted a job working away from home. So I’ll be in Birmingham for the next few weeks. I’m leaving tonight to start in the morning, so I thought I’d come and say goodbye in person.’ He glances at Rory uncertainly. ‘But if you’re busy...?’

‘No, of course not.’ I look at Rory, suddenly feeling all kinds of awkward. ‘We... Rory just had some bad news.’

Rory nods. ‘Been gazumped, would you believe?’ He grins ruefully. ‘Thought it was in the bag but the stables obviously weren’t for me, after all.’

‘Oh, I’m really sorry about that, mate,’ says Shaun. ‘Can you afford to gazump the gazumper?’

Rory shakes his head. ‘Not really. I’d already offered the max I could afford. Just have to chalk it up to experience, I suppose.’

‘Yeah.’ Shaun nods. ‘Life, eh?’ He looks at me with a sad little smile.

I nod. ‘Life.’

‘Cuppa?’ offers Rory, as he makes tea for himself and Lois.

‘No, thanks. I can’t stop. Need to pack,’ says Shaun.

When Rory goes out, I turn to Shaun with a smile. ‘You can stay for a little while, can’t you? I’ll make us some tea? Coffee?’

‘Actually... can we talk?’

‘Of course.’ A feeling of dread trickles through me. He looks... sad. ‘What is it?’

He doesn’t answer immediately and it’s clear he’s not his usual chirpy self. There’s something on his mind.

‘Can we... get some air?’ he says at last. ‘In the garden?’

‘Of course. I’ll just grab my coat.’

Outside, it’s a beautiful autumn day– sunny but crisp– and we wander over to the garden bench.

‘I’ve really loved getting to know you, Clara,’ says Shaun, as we sit down. ‘And I hope we’ll always be friends. But the thing is... well, I’m just not sure we’re going to make it as a couple.’ He shrugs sadly.

‘Oh.’ Panic is rising up inside me. ‘Is this because you saw me hugging Rory through the window? Because honestly, that was nothing. He was upset and I was comforting him, that’s all.’

‘No, no. It’s not that.’ He presses my hand. ‘Really it’s not. It’s more that I’ve come to realise we’re not entirely right for each other. It’s... a lovely friendship that we have. But to go the distance, I think you need more than that.’ He pauses. ‘And I think you realise that, too.’

I swallow hard as I look into his lovely green eyes.

He’s breaking up with me.

I’m about to start saying that he’s wrong. But looking into those wise, kind eyes, I know exactly what he means.

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