Page 16 of Covering Her Six

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Without being asked, Aiden lifts me from the bed, and deposits me in the chair, grabbing a blanket from the bed.

“We’ll follow you,” he tells the nurse. She nods, and leads us out of the room, and towards the elevators. It’s a quick ride up a few floors, and we pass the nursery on our way. I can’t help but look. We’re shown into a room with an examination bed, and ultrasound machine. “The doctor will be right with you. In the meantime, you can get comfortable on the bed. It’s a transvaginal examination,” she explains, “so be sure to remove your underwear.” She shuts the door, and Aiden lifts me onto the bed, helping me slide my panties down my legs and get comfortable. “We’re going to see our babies,” I whisper, looking up at Aiden. The statement wins me a sweet smile, and a kiss on my forehead. The door opens, and elderly doctor steps in, his hair graying at the temples.

“Miss Jones, I’m Dr Lafferty. I’ll be doing your ultrasound today, is that all right?” I give him a nod, and replies, “Wonderful.” He takes a seat on my right, in front of the ultrasound machine. “We’re going to check on these babies of yours, and I’m going to send a copy of your files to Dr Greene, who I believe is the resident OB/GYN in Tallulah Falls. He’ll take care of you once you’re back home.” Dr Lafferty’s smile is kind, his disposition gentle. “This isn’t the most comfortable exam,” he continues, “But because you’re only about six weeks into your pregnancy, it’s the best way for us to determine the health of your babies, okay?”

He fiddles with the ultrasound machine, and for whatever reason, I blush when he slips a condom onto the phallic looking wand and squirts some gel onto the tip. “I need you to relax,” he says, and I immediately reach for Aiden’s hand. He stands on my left and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “You’ll feel some slight pressure, and a bit of cold, but it won’t last long, okay?” I bite my lip and nod, tensing ever so slightly when I feel the wand between my legs. Thewhoosh whooshof the machine fills the room, and I find myself staring in anticipation at the monitor. “There we go,” Dr Lafferty murmurs. He points at the screen and shows us two blobs. “You have what we call monochorionic twins, identical twins that share the same placenta.” He presses a button and creates a still image before the monitor returns to the live feed. “Let’s see if we can hear their heartbeats, shall we?” I hold my breath, and a few seconds later, I hear thethump-thump thump-thumpof overlapping heartbeats. Dr Lafferty hums. “Those are some strong heartbeats,” he remarks. “Ninety-five beats per minute, and their height is about 0.16 inches, both of which are quite normal.” Tears well in my eyes and for a moment, the screen blurs. Aiden leans down, kissing my temple. “Those are our babies lulu,” he whispers in awe. God, I know how he feels. “Is everything else all right?” I ask Dr Lafferty. “Given my injuries?”

He prints out a copy of the ultrasound, and hands it to me, before twisting on the stool to face me. “You should consider yourself very lucky, Miss Jones. Another blow to your abdomen, and you could have suffered a miscarriage. However, everything is fine, there’s no internal bleeding, and no sign of distress. Your body will protect your babies before it protects you, in this instance, but it’s our responsibility to take care of you first. And from what I’m told, you’re healing quite well, and that goes a long way in having a healthy pregnancy going forward. Have you experienced any morning sickness?”

I shake my head. “None at all,” I reply. “Is that normal?”

“Yes, some women can be extremely ill, and others, like you, don’t get ill at all. It varies from person to person.” He prints another copy of the ultrasound and slips it into my file. “I would still recommend you take things easy for the next few weeks while you recover, though. Just a precaution. But I’m happy with what I’ve seen. I’m sure you and your husband are both excited and relieved after what you’ve been through.” I swallow around the lump in my throat.

“We are,” Aiden says quietly. “Will Luna be cleared to fly? We’d like for Luna to recover at home.” I glance at Aiden. We have yet to discuss when we’re going home, but I suppose what he says makes sense. Even if it means leaving my parents sooner than planned.

“If your attending doctor is happy after your last check-up, I can’t see why flying would be unsafe. Recovering at home might be what’s best for you and your babies.”

I rub my palms together, somewhat embarrassed by what I want to ask next. But I have to know, “Barring my physical recovery, will it safe to resume sexual activity? Is that safe for the babies?” My cheeks are warm, even though I know it’s a perfectly valid question.

“I can’t see any reason for you not to resume sexual activity,” Dr Lafferty replies. “But I would give your body time to recover, Miss Jones. Your injuries will take time to completely heal.” I let out a quiet sigh of relief. It’s not the time or the place to be thinking about sex, but I miss that connection with Aiden. Especially because it’s such an important part of our physical relationship. Whether it’s on his mind, I don’t know, but it’s certainly weighing on my mind, and I feel better now that we have some kind of go ahead from the doctor.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Dr Lafferty stands and shakes Aiden’s hand. “I’ll send this,” he waves my file in the air, “to your physician at home. If you don’t have any questions,we’re done here.” He smiles, and leaves the room while Aiden helps me sit up and slip my panties back on. I touch the ultrasound, noting the two blobs.

“It doesn’t feel real,” I admit quietly, I look up at Aiden, and he cups my face, wiping the tears rushing down my cheeks. “It’s real,” he whispers. He lifts me up, and places me back in the wheelchair. He pushes me out of the room, past the nursery and into an elevator. When we make it back to my room, my parents are already there.

Aiden gets me into the bed, and only then do my parents walk in. I show them the ultrasound, watching my mom lift a shaking hand to her lips.

“We just got back from seeing the OB/GYN,” I explain. “They wanted to make sure everything’s fine before I’m discharged tomorrow.”

She looks up at Dad, her eyes watery. “Twins, Leslie. Can you believe it?” Dad stares down at the ultrasound, and notice his eyes too are wet. I’m an only child, so any hopes of having grandchildren rest with me. “You’re all okay?” Dad asks.

“Perfect,” I reply. “I just have to take things easy for the next few weeks.” I refrain from telling them I’ll be leaving sooner than planned. I still have to discuss it with Aiden before I break the news to Mom and Dad.

“Aiden,” Dad starts, “Can I talk to you outside for a moment?”

Aiden nods and squeezes my hand before following Dad out of my room. Mom drops into the chair beside the bed and takes my hand in hers.

“What’s that about?” I ask her.

“Your father was quite rude to Aiden when we found out you were pregnant,” she admits softly. “I think he wants to apologize.”

“It’s not Aiden’s fault, Mom. We didn’t know, and it’s not something I would have kept from you.”

“I know, sweetheart. I had a heart to heart with your dad about it, and he’s coming around. Just give him some time.”

“How’s Luther? Is he okay? He tried to help me, and he got hurt.” My voice hitches. “What did the vet say?”

Mom lets out a breath. “He had a concussion, and they kept him overnight, but he’s fine. You don’t need to worry about him.”

“That’s good,” I sigh. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything had happened to him because of me.”

“Hush,” Mom says. “He did what he’s trained to do, but unfortunately, Brantley knew that and there’s nothing to be done about it now.” She rubs my hand. “You’reallokay, and that’s what matters, okay? It’s not your fault.”

“I’m still trying to make sense of it,” I confess. “But it’s hard, you know?”

“Believe me, I do, Luna. I keep blaming myself. If I hadn’t left you—”

“Then he would have come another day,” I interject. “We both know he’ll do anything, Mom. What if he’d gotten to us both? Then you would be in here too, and we can’t have that.” I look to the door, and back to my mom. “I have a feeling Aiden is looking for him,” I whisper. “And that worries me.”
