Page 17 of Covering Her Six

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Mom’s brows furrow. “What do you mean?”

I lick my dry lips, and swallow. “He’s well connected with his Seal buddies, I’m scared he’s going to do something reckless and land himself in jail. Or worse, on Brantley’s bad side. I won’t raise these babies alone, Mom.”

She leans over and cups my cheek. “I know you’re worried, but Aiden isn’t stupid, Luna-bear. Trust him.”

“I do, Mom. But I alsoknowhim. He was ready to track Brantley down when I told him what he’d done to me, and now he has more reason to go after him. I wouldn’t be surprised if his friends are helping him.”

I have no doubt Jason and Devon are involved; I just can’t prove it. Nor can I stop them from doing whatever Aiden has asked of them.

I decide to change the topic. “I’ll have to fly home again soon so we can go dress shopping,” I tell Mom. “I’m not sure Aiden wants me to stay much longer.”

“I’d have to agree with him, Luna. You’re safer in Tallulah Falls than you are here, as much as I hate admitting it. Until something can be done about Brantley, you can’t stay, sweetheart. Dad and I spoke about that too.”

My eyes sting, and I sniffle. “I hate that his shadow still hangs over me, Mom. This was supposed to be a great holiday.”

Even now Brant still thinks he holds power over me, and to some extent he’s right. As long as I’m here, he has means to find me, get to me. “I don’t want to flee out of fear, but…” I trail off and shrug.

Mom pats my hand just Dad and Aiden walk back in, ending our conversation. Dad looks pensive, while Aiden looks resolute. And I’m wondering if all Dad did is apologize, or if they spoke about something else.

Mom breaks the awkward silence when she asks, “When do you plan on leaving?” I don’t know if she’s asking me, or Aiden.

Aiden leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He raises his brows, looking to me for the answer.

“As soon as I can, I guess.” I look between my parents. “It’s not safe for me to stay, and the doctors have all said it would be better for me and the babies if I recover at home, away from the stress of knowing Brant is still out there.” I hate the thought of leaving so soon, but it’s not just my life I have to think about now. Aiden and I have a family, so to speak, and I have to start thinking like a mother.

“We understand, honey,” Mom says, brushing my hair from my face. “I can pack your things for you tonight.”

“I’ll get the flights sorted out for you both,” Dad adds quietly, giving Aiden a nod.

“Your parents can always join us for New Year in Tallulah,” Aiden suggests. “It might be better for them to come to us for the time being.” He clears his throat and begrudgingly adds, “They can even bring Luther.” A giggle bursts free from my lips at Aiden’s expression when he talks about Luther. He’s still traumatized from that experience, I think. And I find it amusing. It’s a most welcome distraction from everything that has happened in the last few days.

Mom and Dad stay until the end of visiting hours, leaving us to get our things packed and ready to go so that I don’t have to go back to their house when I’m discharged. Aiden’s made himself comfortable on my bed, lying beside me with me in his arms. I look up at him, lifting my head from his shoulder. “What were you and Dad talking about earlier?”

Aiden lets out a breath, and fiddles with my fingers where they rest on my abdomen. “He apologized for how he reacted when they told us about the babies,” he says quietly. “But he also wanted to know what I’m doing about Brantley, if anything.”

I try not to frown at my man. “You promised,” I whisper, feeling somewhat angered.

“And I’ve asked you to trust me, Luna. He won’t get away with hurting you, orourfamily, your parents included. I’m not going to do anything to land myself in prison, okay? But I am doingsomething. Don’t ask me for details, you’ll just make a liar out of me.”

I expel a weighted breath, contemplating whether or not I want to know more. For the moment, I decide I don’t. I trust Aiden, and I trust his judgment. And I have to believe he’ll be smart about whatever it is he’s up to. Because I know he’s up tosomething.

Chapter Ten: When the nightmare is over


After an emotional goodbye with her parents, Luna and I board the plane and fly home. It’s an hour’s drive from the airport, and I’ve never been more relieved to see our house, knowing that Luna will be safer here than with her parents. They didn’t disagree with the sentiment which made me feel marginally better about bringing her home sooner than we’d originally planned. Thanks to my sister, the house is spotless when we arrive, and the bed has been turned down in anticipation of Luna’s arrival. I shoot Liv a text to let her know we’re home and say thanks for her help. She wants to come see Luna, but I tell her to give us at least a day to get settled.

“I need to have a shower,” Luna says, hiding a yawn behind her hand. It’s late, and it’s been an awfully long day. “The bath in the hospital didn’t help at all,” she admits with a pout. Her wrist is still in a brace, which is why I suggest a bath inourbath instead. “We need to keep your wrist dry,” I explain. I carry her up the stairs and set her on the bed while I go about running a hot bath. I pour some of her favorite bubble bath in and mix it with some Epsom salts for her sore muscles, and bruises.

I’m in the process of lifting her shirt over her head — trying my damndest not to stare at the bruising around her ribs for too long — when she blinks and looks up at me. “Join me?”

I give her a gentle smile. “Sure.” Once we’re both undressed, I lift her off the bed and walk into the bathroom. I lower her into the water slowly before stepping in behind her and bracketing her between my legs. It feels good to have her physically close again, to feel her skin on mine. I feel her body relax as she sighs, leaning into me. “Feel good?” I ask, tying her hair up atop her head and out of her face.

“Yes, much better.”

I run some water over her shoulders and rub the stiff muscles of her neck, earning me a moan. I find a few knots and work them until they disappear beneath the pressure of my thumb. She wiggles her toes, tilting her head to the side. “You’re so good at that,” she exhales. I’m contemplative as I work her shoulders next, anxious to hear from Jason. Luna doesn’t need to know what I’m up to, it’s better if she stays out of it, but I know she knows I’m up to something. She just has the good sense not to ask.Ask no questions, hear no lies.Her brace-free hands rests on my bare thigh, while the other hangs over the edge of the large tub. “It feels good to be home,” she says quietly. “But I miss my parents already.” I press my temple to hers. “I’m sure you do, I’m sorry we couldn’t stay.”

“It was for the best, and I know that,” she replies. I take my time getting her cleaned up, my hands ghosting over the parts of her that are bruised. Of course, my body stirs when I touch her, but I ignore it, only to smile when I recall her sweet blush when she asked Dr Lafferty about sex. Her head lolls to the side as I wash her sides, trailing a loofah over her abdomen. I’m still getting used to the fact that Luna is pregnant, and I have to remind myself of the fact because her stomach is still flat. I kiss her wet shoulder, and when I’m done, I urge her forward so I can get out of the bath first. I wrap a towel around my waist, and caress Luna’s face. “I’m just going to change. Soak a bit, yeah? I’ll be right back.”
