Page 18 of Covering Her Six

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She’s tired, I can see it in her eyes, so I make quick work of changing into my pajamas. When I step back into the bathroom, Luna has dozed off, and startles when I wake her. I dip my arms into the water and beneath her back, and her legs, gently lifting her. She stands and allows me to dry her. I help her change into some clean pajamas, and when she yawns, I carry her to the bed, and prop her up on some pillows. “You hungry?” I ask, tucking a wayward curl behind her ear.

“Starving,” she says around another yawn. “I think we have tomato soup in the fridge.” I kiss her forehead. “I’ll warm some up for you. With toast?”


I walk downstairs and get busy warming up some food. My phone rings, and when I see it's Jason, I take a step onto the back patio to answer.

“Jase, what’s up man?”

“Hey, man. Liv said you’re home.”

I rub the back of my neck, stretch it out. “Yeah, I’m getting Luna ready for bed. We landed a while ago.”

“Good,” he sighs. “I have some info for you, but I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”

My brows furrow. “What is it?”

“This guy is like a damn ghost,” he replies, his tone one of frustration. I can picture him running his hand through his hair. “His record is sealed so damn tight, but Devon is working on that.”

“Do you have something we can use?” I ask, frustrated myself.

“I’m working on something,but I have found someonewho’s willing to help. She’s the only cop whoisn’ton Brantley’s payroll. Gave her a call, explained everything, and she said she’s willing to help us expose the bastard. All she needs is information, and we’re still working on that.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It’s a start. Just keep it under wraps, yeah? Luna will kill me if she found out about this. She’s adamant we ,not do anything, but after what he did to her,” and our babies, “I can’t let him get off.” I don’t mention that Luna’s pregnant. We want to share the news with our friends together, and preferably under better circumstances. “And remember, no physical harm, as much as I hate not beating the fucker up myself. This can’t be traced back to us.” The most difficult choice I had to make about all this was not to personally hunt down this joker. He deserves to be put down like a rabid dog. Luna and the baby news really tied my hands. I may not be able to torture this fucker like I want to, but he's not escaping.

“Got it,” Jason says. “We’ll keep looking. Glad you two are home though and that Luna’s doing better. Liv was worried.”

“Yeah,” I exhale a breath. “Thanks, man.”

We chat for a few more minutes, and I end the call, walking back into the house. I find the soup for Luna, and warm it up, putting bread in the toaster. I put it on a tray and make my way back upstairs. Luna’s head is reclined, her eyes closed until she hears me come in. I rest the tray on her lap and sit with her while she eats. “Good?”

“Hmm mmm. Better than that crappy hospital food.”

I chuckle. “That’s only because you’re a food snob,” I tease.

She shrugs. “It’s true.” I wipe the side of her mouth with my thumb, grateful to see her eating. When she’s

done, I go back downstairs, and rinse the dishes, putting them in the dishwasher before switching all the lights off. When I slip under the covers, Luna rolls into my side, resting her head on my arm.

“You must be tired,” she whispers, her hand on my chest.

“I’m a little wired, actually. It’s been a busy day.” I’m thinking about my conversation with Jason,wondering why it’s so hard to getanythingon Luna’s ex. But I have to trust Jason and Devon. They know what they’re doing. Luna kisses my bare shoulder, and when I turn my head, she’s looking up at me. “I think we should get married when my parents are here for New Year’s.” When I don’t reply immediately, she adds, “I can find a dress in Atlanta, and Mom can still go with me, but I don’t want to wait, Aiden.”

“Any reason for the rush?”

She lifts a delicate shoulder in a shrug. “I just don’t see why we should wait. I’d like to be married before the babies get here, and come April, I’ll be sporting a sizable bump.” She lets out a breath and cups my cheek. “I just want to be married; can we do that?”

I rest my hand on hers and lower my mouth to hers. when I pull back, I tell her, “I’d marry you tomorrow, if that’s what you wanted, Luna.”

Her smile is wide, and brilliant. The moonlight casting light on her face. “As excited as I am about these babies, I’d still want to marry you sooner. I’ve had time to think about it, and I see no reason to wait. As long as my parents are here, I don’t care about a big wedding.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” I touch her nose, trailing my finger down the slope. “Whatever makes you happy, babe.”

She yawns again, and I rub her back. “Get some sleep,” I whisper, kissing her forehead. She settles into my side, and I listen to her breathing until sleep drags me under in the wee hours of the morning. I’ve barely caught any sleep when my phone rings, and I cautiously move Luna to answer it, frowning when it’s a number I don’t recognize. I step out of the room, and answer, “This is Aiden.”

“Mr. West,” comes a female voice. “It’s Detective Chance, I’m sorry to call you at this hour but I’ve been in contact with your friend, Jason Waters?”

I clear my throat. “You’re the cop he was talking about,” I murmur. “How can I help you?”
