Page 19 of Covering Her Six

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“It’s how I can helpyou,” she replies quietly. “I heard about what he did to Miss Jones, and thought I’d personally reach out. With the help of Mr. Waters, and your other friend, Devon James, I was able to find the information you wanted.” I take a seat on the couch. “I thought Miss Jones was an isolated target, so to speak, but Mr. Montgomery has quite the rap sheet. Miss Jones isn’t the only woman who has tried and failed to press charges. I have accounts from five other women who have come forward since he divorced Miss Jones, but they weren’t successful. The DA dismissed all their charges, and I suspect that’s because Mr. Montgomery is better connected than we initially thought. It took some doing, but Mr. James was able to get the records from Mr. Montgomery and Miss Jones’ divorce. Your friends must know some serious people for that to be the case. Ex-military?”

“Navy,” I reply, rubbing my eyes. “So, what happens next?”

“Well,” she inhales, “We can either leak it to the press,orI can take a chance and give it to my immediate superior, who I believe has a special dislike for men like Mr. Montgomery. The first option is also a gamble, but if I can get my captain on my side, it might be the most effective way to get Mr. Montgomery behind bars. However, it will be based on the information from the five women who came after your fiancé. I can’t guarantee leaking information about his divorce will yield any worthwhile results.”

It’s a lot to take in, but I take a deep breath and let it out. “If you release the information about his relationship with Luna and their divorce, she’ll have to testify, correct?”

“In all likelihood, yes, because it’ll be a new case.”

I’m already shaking my head, even before she’s done talking. “I won’t put Luna through that. The information you have from the other five women, is that enough to get him in prison, if they come forward?”

“Yes,” Detective Chance replies, her tone steely. “Four of the five incidents took place in another state, and as far as I know, Mr. Montgomery’s reach is only within the state lines of Massachusetts. He’ll be tried and convicted in the state of New York, which is where the assaults took place.” Jesus. This man sounds like a psychopath. I run a hand down my face. “Okay. Do what you need to do, Detective. As long as Luna’s name is kept out of the press.”

“We still have more information to find,” Detective Chance explains. “But my captain and I are working with Mr. Waters and Mr. James, without whom this wouldn’t have come across my desk. We’ll have enough dirt to send Mr. Montgomery to prison for a long time, with the help of your friends.”

“Good,” I sigh wearily, pleased that this will soon be a chapter in Luna’s life we can close. “That fucker needs to rot in hell for what he’s done.”

“I’m in agreement with you, Mr. West. Trust me. If anything else comes up let me know, but until then, I’ll do what I can.”

“Thank you, Detective.”

I hang up and let out a breath of relief.


My head whips to the side, and I see Luna standing at the foot of the staircase.

“They’re going to catch him?” Her voice cracks, and she walks over, stepping between my parted legs. I look up at her, noticing her eyes have grown wet. I wonder just how much she’s heard. And I realize I need to come clean.

“I promised you I wouldn’t do anything that would get me in trouble,” I start, swallowing hard. “And I haven’t. But Jason and Devon have been digging, and they’ve been working with a detective and her captain who are both as eager to get Brantley behind bars as we are.” I blink, and stand, wiping Luna’s tears. “They’ll try and convict him in New York, so he might get away with hurtingyou, which saves you from testifying, but he won’t get away with anything else, Luna.” I cup her face. “Everything I’ve done is to protect what’s mine, and now you never have to worry about him ever again.”What she doesn't know is that I've planned a special surprise for Brantley when he's convicted. Once we know which prison he'll be sent to, we'll deliver it. Devon has contacts everywhere. That fucker is about to pay for every scar on Luna and the other women.

She drops her forehead to my bare chest, and whimpers. I hold her while she cries, knowing it will be the last time she sheds a tear over her past. He can’t hurt her anymore. And we can finally put this nightmare behind us.

Chapter Eleven: Something to do with being home


“Luna!” Liv squeals when I open the front door. Aiden is at the bar, and I’ve been busy making arrangements for our wedding. We only have four days, and there’sa lotto get done. I promised him I wouldn’t go back to work until after our honeymoon, and because of Liv and her friend, Kendra, the bakery is still running in my absence. It means I not only have time to plan, but also time to heal. I had a quick phone call conversation with Mom this morning and told her about our new plans. She promised her and Dad would be prepared — I showed her some ideas for her outfit and asked that she get Dad a nice suit for the occasion.

Liv wraps me in a hug but doesn’t squeeze. she pulls back, and her eyes are glossy. “How are you?” Her voice catches, and I feel my throat tighten. After the conversation I had with Aiden yesterday morning, I’ve been a bit more emotional. Not to mention the pregnancy hormones that are staging a riot in my body.

I step aside, and let her in. “I’m doing okay,” I tell her. “Really.” Better than okay, which Liv will hear about soon enough. “Coffee?” I ask.

She nods, shutting the door behind her and following me to the kitchen. While the coffee machine brews, I use a plunger to make myself some decaffeinated coffee, which is all I’m allowed. Liv takes a seat at the kitchen island, which is littered with bridal magazines, and a list of venues and service providers in Tallulah Falls and Atlanta.

“What’s this?” She asks, looking through everything.

“The reason I called you,” I reply, pouring our coffee and sliding her mug across the counter. “Aiden and I have decided to push up our wedding date. To New Year’s Eve.”

“That’s like four days from now!” Liv’s eyes widen. “Are youpregnant? Is that why?”

I rub my lips together and sip my coffee. “That’s not why, no.”

She gives me a quizzical look. “So, you’re not pregnant?” When I’m silent, she gasps. “No!”

I giggle, and nod. “Shhhh…Yes. We found out while I was in the hospital.” I wipe my nose, and Liv hops off her bar stool, rounding the counter to envelope me another hug. “Oh, my god,” she whispers. “I’m going to be an aunt?” She rests a hand on her chest, and I nod. “I’m just over six weeks,” I confess. “But like I said, it’s not the reason I want to bring the wedding date forward. Well, not entirely.”

Liv goes back to her seat, wiping at her eyes. “Oh, gosh.” She blows out a breath. “I wasnotexpecting that.”
