Page 21 of Sphinx

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Chapter 12


Sitting in the dark, I was doing my best to ignore that fucked-up call from Saxton earlier. The little traitor was overstepping, and I couldn’t even be mad at him for it. No matter how misguided, everything Saxton did for me came from his heart and what he felt was in my best interest. He had never been onboard with me breaking up with Fox, so I hadn’t really been surprised when he’d called to rat himself out.

The boy had oodles of integrity that’s for sure.

So, not only did Fox know that I’d been crazy in love with him back then, but he knew that I was still crazy in love with him, and that wasn’t good for me. It was hard enough to keep him at arm’s length as it was. If he decided to keep pushing this, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep myself from just giving in.

The sounds of the door’s lock disengaging snapped me from my thoughts, and if this were a joke, I’d have my phone out, recording Alexander’s reaction when he noticed me.

However, this wasn’t a joke.

None of this was.

When he switched the lights on, I smiled. “Good evening, Alexander.”

To his credit, he didn’t screech like a little bitch, but he was visibly startled. “Ms. Black?” His head started swiveling all over the place, looking to see if this was an ambush.

“Relax, Alexander,” I drawled out smoothly. “It’s just me.” I waved my hand about. “Nice digs.” Alexander had one of the suites at the Serenity Inn. There were more expensive hotels in the city, but my guess was that he was trying to be all incognito.

“What are you doing here, Ms. Black?” he bristled. “How did you even get into my room?”

I cocked my head, leaning back in the comfy wingback chair positioned in the corner of the sitting room. “Does it matter?” I asked. “Seriously?”

“That you can break into people’s private residences? Yes, I do believe it matters,” he bit out.

“This is hardly your residence, Alexander,” I corrected. “It’s a hotel room.”

“For the time being, it is serving as my residence, Ms. Black. Please, do not insult my intelligence by acting obtuse.”

“Your intelligence,” I echoed. “Why don’t you have a seat, so we can discuss this intelligence that you’re so proud of, Alexander.”

“Is this about Mr. Remington and Ms. Spinner?” he asked, though he took a seat like I’d instructed.

“No, Alexander. This is not about those two assholes,” I replied. “This is about your initiating class, not mine.”

His back snapped straight, and if that wasn’t a sign of culpability, then I didn’t know what was. “What are you talking about?”

“Answer me this, Alexander,” I said, getting more comfortable in my chair. “What is Arlene still doing here?” Before he could lie to me, I laid out the facts. “I understand her purpose for our initiation, but what is she still doing here? She’s not part of the panel like you, Jacob, and Donovan are. She’s merely a puppet. Her job was done after she let Jacob and Donovan tag team her initiation night.”

“Keep in mind, Ms. Black, that I don’t answer to you,” he stated primly.

I leaned forward in my chair, my arms resting on my thighs, my hands clasped together. “And keep in mind that people don’t fuck with me for a reason, Alexander,” I reminded him, using my harsh reputation for the first time. “Answer the fucking question.”

His chin came up, but he answered anyway. “She’s…keeping Donovan and Jacob…uh, entertained while we’re overseeing things,” he confessed.

“And what are Jacob and Donovan still doing here?” I asked. “From all accounts, they do nothing but stand at your back. What are they contributing to all this?”

“Why do you want to know?” he asked. “What is all this?”

“I’m going to tell you a little secret, Alexander,” I whispered. “And it can stay between just the two of us or not. In the end, it doesn’t make a difference on my end. However, before I let you in on this little secret, I want you to think really hard about how high the quicksand has risen where you’re standing. You give a good show, I’ll give you that. Still, we both know that you’re no longer in control of this initiating class. Stone really did a number on you with that Hera contract, and who knew that his give-no-fucks personality would be contagious enough that you’ve lost Ross, Saxton, and Fox, too.”

“I have not lost control-”

“Shut the fuck up!” I yelled, my emotions getting the best of me. For eight years, I’ve been holding this shit in, and Alexander was walking a precarious line, even if he didn’t know it.

“Ms. Black-”
