Page 22 of Sphinx

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Before he could finish whatever he’d been about to say, I was on him, a knife from the suite’s attached kitchen under his chin. “I. Said. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

His face paled, and he gave me a minuscule nod to let me know that he heard me. I tortured him in silence for about twenty seconds before I sat back down in the chair I’d been occupying. Was I worried that I’d just pulled a knife out on him?

Not at all.

“You see, Alexander, you have two problems right now,” I told him, my voice back to sounding sane. “First, August Remington and that bitch of his, Laney. Second, me.”

“Wh…why are…are you an issue?”

“Because I know that Apollo didn’t die in some unfortunate accident cliff jumping, you piece of shit,” I spat. “The only thing I don’t know is who’s the one that killed him. However, there are only three options to choose from, so how hard can it be to find out, really?”

“It was an accide-”

“Finish that sentence, and I swear to God, I will gut you and send your insides to every member of your family,” I hissed. If possible, the man paled even more. “So, the way I see it, you can either save yourself or go down in flames with Jacob and Donovan. Because if I can’t pin it on one of you, I’ll pin it on all three of you. I’ll see the entire organization burn in flames to get justice for my brother, and I have no problem starting with you.”

“Ms. Black, think…think of…of what you’re sa…saying,” he sputtered. “The organization will destroy you if you betray its-”

“The organization already destroyed me when you killed my brother, and they helped you cover it up,” I spat. “Here’s what you motherfuckers didn’t know. Here’s my little secret. Apollo never would have gone cliff diving with you guys. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was not being man enough to deal with it yourself. A secret is never a secret if more than one person knows about it, Alexander. A lesson that you’re going to learn the hard way.”

“I didn’t kill your brother!” he yelled, finally losing that aristocrat composure that he was so damn proud of. “I swear it!”

“Then you know who did,” I replied. “I’m coming for you guys, Alexander. If I were you, I’d think really long and hard about which side you want to be standing on when I do.”

“Do…is…is this why Mr. Lexing-”

“They don’t know,” I told him, standing up, ready to make my leave. “This isn’t their purpose.” He seemed to relax at that, but I wanted to leave him a nervous wreck. “However, imagine if I did tell them. Whose side do you think they’d be on, Alexander? Do you really want all of us coming after you, Jacob, and Donovan? After all, it’s not a secret who Stone and Fox spend Christmas with.” It was a harsh reminder that their fathers were on the governing panel.

“I didn’t kill your brother,” he repeated.

“Then you better make me give a shit, Alexander,” I fired back. “Because as of right now, I don’t care who the fuck I take down as long as I get justice for Apollo.”

Getting up, I walked towards the kitchenette, then dropped the knife in the sink, not bothering to wipe off my fingerprints.

I almost laughed when Alexander said, “Maybe you’re not as smart as you think.”

I smiled at the dick. “Are you referring to my fingerprints?” I threw him a saucy wink just to piss him off. “The same fingerprints that are in the bathroom, all over the shower, sink, couch, bed, and balcony?” He flinched a bit. “Call the police. Report me. Shout it to the world. Hell, hire a plane and sky write that shit everywhere.” I had my hand on the doorknob, unconcerned. “When they call me in to question me, imagine the scandal when I call my father and tell him that we’re having an affair, and you’re accusing me of the unimaginable to save your imagine and marriage. Who do you think the police are going to believe, Alexander? You or my fingerprints all over your hotel room?”

He looked like a fish out of water, and I just opened the door, laughing, wiggling my fingers at him in a flirty goodbye.

What a fucking putz.
