Page 23 of Sphinx

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Chapter 13


If it wasn’t in the middle of the day, the sun out, no room for doubt, and I wasn’t seeing it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.

The implications were too incredible to contemplate.

However, it was the middle of the day, the sun was out, and my eyes worked perfectly fine, leaving no doubt to what the fuck I was looking at.

Kincaid was walking out of Alexander’s hotel room, waving back at him like they were being nominated for prom king and queen.

I wasn’t sure what I was feeling right now, but it wasn’t rage. I’ve felt rage before. I’ve felt anger, wrath, fury, and even madness. So, I wasn’t sure what the fuck it was that I was feeling right now, but it felt destructive.

It felt deadly.

The Serenity Inn was an outdoor hotel. It wasn’t enclosed like expensive hotels. The Serenity Inn was the kind of hotel where you parked in front of your room. It was a nice hotel, but it wasn’t geared for privacy. I was parked on the street, but as Kincaid made her way to the visitor’s parking, it wasn’t until then that I noticed her black Range Rover. Of course, I hadn’t been looking for it to begin with. It would never occur to me that she’d be here in the middle of the fucking day when she was supposed to be in class.

Getting out of my car, I barely had time to lock it before I was storming her way. I was probably going to kill her, but I was past caring. All that talk about beating a dead horse and being done with her just flew out the fucking window.

Kincaid’s hand was on the door handle when I grabbed her by the arm and turned her around. “You better have a good reason for being here, Black,” I snarled down at her.

Her surprise lasted all of three seconds. “What in the hell are you doing here?” she asked, ignoring how unhinged I was.

My hand tightened around her arm. “I’m here to tell Alexander about August threatening you,” I told her. “Why the fuck are you here?”

Because Kincaid wasn’t a weakling, she didn’t address the painful grip that I had on her arm. However, to be fair, the girl used to love it when I’d get rough with her, so my bruising grip probably wasn’t even fazing her.

“I’m not doing this with you here-”

I dragged her behind me, not giving a fuck who saw. Even if there were cameras showing that I was accosting her, Kincaid would never press charges. Plus, my name being what it was, I couldn’t see the hotel getting involved. It sucked, but sometimes it wasn’t just minding your own business. Sometimes, it was self-preservation.

Once I was satisfied that we had a semblance of privacy, I had her up against the block wall, our bodies hidden in a nook between the hotel and a storage building of some sort. It was probably where the hotel stored all its laundry and cleaning supplies, but I really didn’t care what it was. It gave me enough privacy to strangle Kincaid, and that’s all that mattered.


“So help me God, if you do not tell me what the fuck you were doing coming out of Alexander’s hotel room, I’m going to fucking kill you,” I snapped, three years’ worth of hurt, anger, and jealousy threatening to run free.

“I don’t answer to you, Harrington,” she snapped back. “What I do and who I do it with is none of your business.”

My hand shot up and encircled her neck, more bruises added to the ones that were going to form on her arm. “The fuck it isn’t,” I said, correcting her. “A supporter fucking a panel member is my fucking business. It’s all of our fucking business.”

Hurt flashed in her eyes, but like the cold-hearted villain that she was, she masked it as quickly as it came. “I’m not fucking Alexander,” she hissed. “I’m not breaking any of the rules.”

I squeezed her neck because I didn’t believe her. Oh, my head believed her because Kincaid wasn’t a liar, but my broken heart refused to believe her.

My broken heart was pissed as hell.

My broken heart wanted a reason to kill her.

“I’m only going to ask this one more time, Black,” I growled. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s none of your business,” she repeated.

I was finally at the end of what my sanity could take. Those black eyes of hers were shooting fire my way, and I wanted to let her gaze burn me to ashes. It was finally clear to me that there was no way to survive this girl. We couldn’t exist together like this. It wasn’t possible. At least, not on my end. I had to kill her or let her kill me because the world wasn’t big enough for me, her, and this heartache between us.

Letting go of her neck, I stepped back and made another useless mental vow to stay away from her. The lie ricocheting in my head, taunting me, laughing at me.

Kincaid was without a doubt the most beautiful female that I’ve ever seen, but beauty wasn’t everything. And even though I wasn’t a fan of using women, if I had to fuck my way through all the females at Hales to find one that could finally exercise Kincaid from my soul, then that’s what I was going to do.
